
Semantic SEO Basics

Semantic search engine optimization efforts are all about implementing the search intent of potential consumers into the content that a company is creating so that search engines are a lot more likely to promote that content to their users. When someone uses a search engine, that search engine will return

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10 best SEO practices to implement

To get the most out of a business website, companies have to invest in search engine optimization efforts, and more specifically, the right SEO strategies. If a company avoids SEO completely, it can negatively impact the success of its website, as well as its brand visibility. These days, many consumers

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Introducing a Brand on TikTok

It’s not always easy for companies to start using a brand new platform, let alone a brand new social media platform. Especially if the company doesn’t really know whether to use that new platform and if investing time and effort into learning how to use it the right way is

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Creating Personalized Content to Reach Consumers

The demand for digital content has been increasing in the last few years, especially once the pandemic started, and everyone is online in front of their screens, trying to find different ways to entertain themselves. Despite that fact, the whole time employment inside the media industry has been on the

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Holiday Season

Marketing strategies for safe holiday drinking

Alcohol can have a negative impact on the holiday season, whether it is drinking too much at a party or driving under its influence. Then there are health problems to consider which can be liver damage or heart disease. However, these three months are the busiest and the most important

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seo ascension

How Companies Can Generate Backlinks and Improve SEO

When it comes to improving overall search engine optimization efforts, there are many strategies that companies can implement, such as targeting keywords that the audience is already using when looking up information on search engines and improving meta descriptions and tags. However, one of the strategies that a lot of

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How to Build an Effective Local SEO strategy in 2021

Simple Strategies to Improve SEO Efforts

Companies that want to improve their search engine optimization efforts need to start investing in generating high-quality backlinks to improve the rank of their website on search engine results pages. This is because backlinks are one of the most important rank-deciding factors on search engine results pages. If a company

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Marketing During A Pandemic

5 Tips to Succeed at Marketing

The overall plan that a company has to reach its target audience and get them to convert is what marketing and marketing strategies entail. They’re supposed to include the key brand messaging from the business, information on the target audience to better target potential consumers, the value proposition of the

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5 Tips on How to Market on Instagram

When it comes to marketing on social media platforms, for a few years now, Instagram has been one of the ideal platforms, especially for e-commerce companies. That’s partly due to the visual nature of the platform that’s managed to generate a high engagement with users and partly due to the

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Tips for contest marketing

Contests have been around for quite some time but they have been modified with the rise of social media platforms. They not only help to increase the number of people who interact with a brand, they also help to form deeper connections with them. User-generated content contests also help to

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