Multi-year Communications RFP Campaign Issued

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The Guilford County Schools serves approximately 70,000 students. GCS is the third largest district in North Carolina, serving students across 126 schools in urban, suburban and rural areas. We have 48 magnet and choice schools with 66 programs. The school district is approximately 132 square miles.

The District is seeking proposals from qualified vendors for the development of a set of strategic communication goals, supported by a multi-year communications campaign, for the Guilford County School District (GCS). The intent of the collective communications effort is to improve community perceptions towards, understanding of and engagement in GCS and its efforts to:

• increase enrollment across all student demographics and program areas

• improve staff recruitment and retention, especially focusing on teacher recruitment and retention

• increase the numbers of students approved for participation in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

Scope of Work

The selected partner will work with GCS through a comprehensive approach to tailor a multi-year communications campaign that fits our unique needs, as well as the context of the district and state.

• Provide the GCS with expert guidance on the development and implementation of effective and innovative marketing strategies and goals.

• Create a communications plan in support of established GCS objectives that include student/staff recruitment and retention, increasing participation in NSLP, increased social media presence and general awareness of GCS’ programs and services. 

• Create regular (i.e. – monthly, quarterly, etc.) reporting to facilitate client monitoring of progress against objectives/goal

• Advise on the development/redevelopment of GCS brand and future marketing efforts

• Electronic/Print Design Templates. Design templates are needed for a wide variety of marketing materials that are used on a regular basis. The templates will allow the district to write content on an as-needed basis in a format that is consistent with the communication campaigns. These templates may include social media graphic templates, video intros, a flyer on both letter and legal sized paper, a general student / family information flyer on letter sized paper, post card templates (front and back), 11”x17” poster templates, 20’x 4’banner template, PowerPoint presentation design, building signage template, letterhead, catalog cover design, an annual report format, and email templates.

• Media Templates. Templates for print and electronic ads.

• Web Site feedback / alignment. The district has a web site already but would be interested in making sure that the look and feel of the site is aligned with the branding and look and feel work that this contract will generate. We will expect the contractor to work with district staff on the achievement of this visual alignment.

• Professional photography and videography is required to help communicate the brand image. The contract must specify the budget devoted to photography/videography and must include shots of various interior classroom settings and exterior activity shots. 

• Communications plan implementation is required to execute. The contract must specify the budget devoted to needs such as targeted mailing lists, and other marketing platforms such as Facebook, television and radio for improving the reach of the GCS objectives.

Campaign Development and Implementation

• Design marketing messages that are consistent with identified recruitment goals, programs offerings and assessment of service area demographics.

• Develop a specific multiyear marketing plan focused on achieving agreed upon goals.

• Provide strategic campaign support, including planning, development, and execution of multi-channel efforts. • Develop branded material for use in the campaigns.

• Provide graphic design and content development to support the creation of digital, print, and collateral material as required by the campaign.

• Recommend/design/implement social media elements in support of the campaign’s goals.

• The consultant shall develop a marketing strategy and implementation plan that identifies efficient and cost-effective avenues to target both external and internal audiences as follows. The district is interested in advertising and communications as well as creative strategies that will reach:

o Current parents and families

o Potential parents and families, including those who have “choiced out” of the district

o The general public for the purpose of enhancing the perception/image/reputation of GCS

o Current GCS students and alumni, so they are aware of successes of their district and want to be associated with the district

o GCS faculty and staff, for the purpose of retaining effective staff members, creating pride in the school district, enhancing morale and creating good will ambassadors throughout the community

o Community members and partners/community stakeholders


Proposals, subject to the conditions made a part hereof, will be received at this office 501 West Washington Street, Greensboro, NC 27401, until 2:00 PM EST on the day of opening for furnishing and delivering the commodity as described herein. Proposals submitted via facsimile (FAX) machine in response to this Request for Proposals will not be accepted.

Bid due date: January 28, 2022

Sealed proposals, subject to the conditions made a part hereof and the receipt requirements described below, shall be received at the address indicated below, as described herein. One (1) signed, sealed, original copy & one (1) digital copy should be addressed in an envelope with the RFP number as shown below. It is the responsibility of the vendor to have the proposal in the Guilford County Schools Purchasing office by the specified time and date of opening.



RFP No. 6432

Shayla C. Parker

Director of Purchasing

501 West Washington Street

Greensboro, NC 27401

Agencies to consider include Finn partners and Ruder Finn.

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