North Los Angeles County Regional Center Seeks Social Media Agency

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

The North Los Angeles County Regional Center (“NLACRC”) issued a RFP for a social media agency to develop and execute a comprehensive social media strategy.  NLACRC is a private, nonprofit corporation, which contracts with the State of California’s Department of Developmental Services (DDS), to provide services and supports to persons with developmental disabilities and their families in the San Fernando, Santa Clarita, and Antelope Valleys.

NLACRC serves 22,000 people with developmental disabilities from infants to adults.  NLACRC’s budget for fiscal year 2015-2016 is $366,221,562 – more information is available at

The selected company will design, develop, implement and manage a Facebook page as well as an integrated and coordinated strategy of social media activities. Outcome expectations will include increased public awareness and community engagement, and a clearly defined strategy for the utilization of social media networks in conjunction with the web site and e-mail marketing.

Proposals are due by February 11, 2016. The full RFP may be reviewed here.

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