Northwest BC Regional Tourism Issues Marketing RFP

Northwest BC Regional Tourism Issues Marketing RFP

Northwest BC Regional Tourism Issues Marketing RFP


The Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (the Regional District), in partnership with the Kermodei Tourism Society, Tourism Kitimat, the District of Stewart, the District of New Hazelton, the Village of Hazelton and Nisga’a Lisims Government, is soliciting proposals to perform market research on potential visitors to the region and create a marketing plan for the next three to five years. The goal is to promote tourism in Northwest BC and drive new revenues to local businesses by uniting the tourism marketing efforts of participating communities. This initiative will provide the tools, technology and capacity to establish Northwest BC as a unique and highly desirable tourism destination.


The Regional District provides local government services to an area of 100,000km² in northwestern British Columbia. Member municipalities are Kitimat, Terrace, Stewart, Hazelton and New Hazelton. The Regional District administers over 40 “functions” or services ranging from rural land use planning, to a community water system, to fire protection, to library services, to a public marina. Forecast expenditures in the 2009 Budget are $16 million. The Regional District employs approximately 20 full and part-time employees in Terrace and Kitimat.

Scope of Work:

The general scope of services is for a Contractor to perform research into tourism markets and consumer habits, identifying demographics most likely to visit the region, when they would visit, and reasons why, then develop a marketing plan with affordable, actionable tactics that the consortium members can use to market the Northwest. The marketing plan will also include a standardized annual report template the consortium communities can produce individually, with recommendations of which data to record and how to do so. The market research and marketing plan to promote the Northwest will be referred to in this document as the Marketing Plan or the Plan.

Elements of the Market Study:

The following list outlines elements of the Marketing Plan that are expected to be included as the minimum requirement. These elements are not to be included in the submission of the Proposal, but rather provide Respondents the elements of the Study to associate fees. Should Respondents wish to include more items, they may, and should an element be considered redundant, unnecessary or otherwise, Respondents may discuss with the RFP Coordinator and an agreement to exclude an element must be mutually agreed upon by both the Regional District and the Respondent.

For the minimum requirements of the research element of the Marketing Plan, the Preferred Respondent will advise on best practice collection of research data, work with the Regional District to ensure that the data provided is sufficient for analysis purposes, ensure quality controls, conduct a survey (i.e. panel and/or online survey), or surveys, interviewing potential or future visitors to the Northwest, conduct focus groups, identify consumer habits, identify key months and key activities to market within those months, analyze the data to meet all Regional District research requirements, ensure representative samples and results, and be available for any questions or clarifications through December 31, 2018.

The marketing plan element of the Plan should consist of a document with the following:

  • Executive Summary
  • Overview of current, relevant economic trends
  • Results of market research including, but not limited to:

o A succinct report of the key findings

o A data set containing all data and a code book defining variables and any calculations. The data set format can be agreed upon between the Preferred Respondent and the Regional District. (May be included in indices)

o Cross tabulations and banners. (May be included in indices)

  • Identified Target Markets and Consumer Habits and Trends

o Break out habits by season or time frame

  • Methods to Access the Consumers
  • Specific, Actionable Marketing Strategies to Attract Consumers
  • Costing for the Strategies, Tools and Tactics

o Present these by low, medium and high cost options

  • Annual report template

o What indicators to record, and how to record them.

o Template must be usable on the Microsoft Office suite or with free software.

  • Suggested Next Steps

Due Date:

June 22nd


Regional District of Kitimat Stikine

300-4545 Lazelle Avenue

Terrace, BC V8G 4E1

Attention: Deklan Corstanje

Strong travel PR firms include 5WPR and Coyne PR.

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