Category: PR Insights

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Dealing with Positive Customer Reviews

One of the key elements of successful companies is managing customer reviews in the digital era. With the help of feedback, companies can develop an improved sales funnel and buying journey, and that’s true...

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Strategies for Generating Positive Media Coverage

According to studies, over 80% of all public relations professionals believe that storytelling is the core of any meaningful growth for businesses. Despite the number of digital platforms that companies can use, one of...

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Hosting a Successful PR Event

Companies that want to host a public relations event and have that event be effective and successful need to take a few specific steps before the event happens to ensure its success.  Steps like...

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Learning from Success in Public Relations

Most companies these days understand the importance of investing in public relations efforts, especially how effective PR can be at helping companies reach their target audience and developing a more trusting relationship with the...

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Planning a PR Event

Companies can use public relationships to generate a lot more brand awareness, grab the attention of potential customers, or even launch brand new products. There are a number of people involved in the public...

Public Relations Strategies

Types of PR Programs

Through public relations efforts, companies are trying to promote themselves and their solutions and convince to target audience to take the next step on their buying journey and convert. The core of public relations...

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Importance of Press Releases for Companies

These days, companies that want to grow and generate more sales have to rely on digital media to improve their brand exposure. To some, that might mean that press releases are an old and...

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PR and Communication Channels

When a company implements a public relations tragedy, there are a few types of main communication channels it can implement. More specifically, there are three types of media that companies can use to manage...

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Creating a Great Press Release

When a company is creating its own press release, it’s always going to be different from what other companies have created because every business is different, however, the process of creating a press release...

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