PR Insights

PR Tools

Digital PR tools

Digital PR helps to increase the awareness of a brand by using online methods. Digital PR helps a brand to reach target customers by featuring it on podcasts, social media platforms, and websites. Digital PR helps to generate website traffic and results in long-term traffic gains. When done right, it

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Tips on Creating PR Campaigns 

Some of the top public relations campaigns have been executed by companies that were able to formulate and develop their public image in a way that relates to the target audience and influences purchasing decisions with potential customers. Strategic planning Companies have to plan their public relations campaign script strategically,

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Creating a Value Proposition for Companies

According to Ronn Torossian, before companies can create the best possible value proposition for their target audiences that will get potential customers to convert, they need to take several things into consideration. Offer The first thing that companies need to take into consideration before they are able to create a value

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Pitching Positive Stories and Updates to Outlets

One of the main reasons why plenty of companies pursue public relations campaigns is to generate positive media coverage with targeted outlets that are able to reach the target audience of that company. Public relations efforts are helpful in influencing purchasing decisions of the target audience, as well as improving

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Twitter Boosts Responsibility Profile by Targeting Political Bots

Growing a Twitter Audience for Businesses

One of the most important metrics that all businesses should be keeping track of on Twitter is the number of impressions that their content generates. The Twitter Impressions give companies a better understanding of how many people they’ve managed to reach with a single piece of content, especially if that

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Reputation Laundering

PR and online reputation management

All businesses need reputation management. It is extremely important and helps to build trust with customers and employees. It is not wise to wait for a PR crisis to happen to start investing in online reputation management. There are many digital platforms that are a part of online reputation management

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marketing research

Market Positioning for Companies

Businesses that are looking to position themselves in the market and even establish themselves in front of the target audience have a few different strategies they can use to achieve those goals. Strategies like showing the company’s expertise or broadcasting social proof are both great ways for companies to position

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Sports Publicity

How to Define Publicity in 2022

Although it’s been a difficult couple of years, throughout the global pandemic, the world witnessed a lot of resilience and compassion. The public relations industry has also dealt with a lot of change, and companies need to know all about publicity, and how it has changed as well. Environmental, social,

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How to Protect your Business from a Cyber Breach

Cybersecurity Public Relations And Marketing Strategy

In today’s digitally connected era, people’s data is practically everywhere, which means that pretty much anyone is facing the threat of being hacked, from the most secure organizations in the world to everyday individuals. This means that the odds of a cyber breach happening to a company are relatively high,

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The Atlanta Film Society Issues Creative RFP

Public Relations to Boost your Films Visibility

There is no point for companies to create any sort of content, including films if they’re not reaching the right audience. To increase visibility companies have to get positive media coverage, mentioned on social media platforms, blog posts, and websites, to introduce their film to a broader audience. This kind

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