PR Insights

Developing an effective pr campaign and marketing plan in 6 easy steps December 3 2014

Effective PR Campaigns

Companies that invest in public relations campaigns can have a much easier time reaching the goals of those campaigns if they’re able to make their campaigns as effective as possible. However, that’s not always easy for every company to do. Fortunately, there are plenty of examples of other effective public

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Simple PR Strategy for Companies

According to reports, the global public relations market is constantly growing year after year, despite the global pandemic’s impact on the industry. One of the main reasons for that is because, through public relations, companies get an opportunity to mitigate any sort of negative crisis situation that might impact their

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PR Planning

Things to do Before Developing a Public Relations Plan

Through strategic public relations companies can grow and thrive. However, before a company launches a public relations campaign, it needs to develop an effective public relations plan. This takes a bit of time and effort, but it’s essential to the success of any campaign. Public relations plan Having a public

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Dealing With Negative Customer Feedback

Getting negative customer feedback can be a blessing in disguise for many companies. Even though no one wants to receive negative reviews, companies can’t improve their efforts without it. That’s because, for every single customer that speaks out about a negative experience, there are about a dozen other customers that

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Basics of Developing a Public Relations Strategy

Most companies these days understand the importance of public relations efforts. However, not every business fully understands the steps to develop a public relations strategy. There are several essential steps that companies have to take to create a public relations strategy that they can then implement. Goals The first step

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Dealing with Positive Customer Reviews

One of the key elements of successful companies is managing customer reviews in the digital era. With the help of feedback, companies can develop an improved sales funnel and buying journey, and that’s true for both positive and negative reviews. Review strategy Companies need to combine any review tools that

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Strategies for Generating Positive Media Coverage

According to studies, over 80% of all public relations professionals believe that storytelling is the core of any meaningful growth for businesses. Despite the number of digital platforms that companies can use, one of the most valuable ways for companies to tell their stories is through media coverage. Credibility Companies

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Hosting a Successful PR Event

Companies that want to host a public relations event and have that event be effective and successful need to take a few specific steps before the event happens to ensure its success.  Steps like setting an event timeline, defining the event activities, assigning responsibilities for the event planning process to

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Learning from Success in Public Relations

Most companies these days understand the importance of investing in public relations efforts, especially how effective PR can be at helping companies reach their target audience and developing a more trusting relationship with the customers. There have been a few companies in the past that have managed to take their

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Planning a PR Event

Companies can use public relationships to generate a lot more brand awareness, grab the attention of potential customers, or even launch brand new products. There are a number of people involved in the public relations industry such as public relations specialists, event managers, and more that can help companies organize

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