PR Insights

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Top Free Market Research Platforms

Market research is a very beneficial tool that companies can use to inform everything from their marketing campaigns to their overall business decisions. Fortunately, there’s no need for companies to invest a big budget into marketing research to get all of the benefits that come from it. That’s because there

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Cannabis Brands and Public Relations

There are plenty of reasons why companies in the cannabis industry should be utilizing cannabis public relations campaigns, with one of the biggest ones being generating more awareness, boosting visibility, and overcoming the limitations that other brands in the market are facing. That’s because, through public relations, companies can develop and frame

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Podcasting as a growing consumer PR platform

The objective of consumer Pr is to get people to know about a company, its products and services and to see the company in a positive light. For some businesses and podcasts, podcasting can be an extremely effective tool. The consumer need not read about a company and its products.

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Glenlivet and diverse whisky drinkers

Quite a few brands are committed to representing real people in their ads and within their organizations. They embrace diversity in their content and their marketing campaigns. The youngest generations often question whether a brand supports diversity both publicly and behind the camera. If brands want to make a meaningful

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How did the Pandemic affect the Pet Industry?

The pandemic was a devastating time for many. However, it also had a major impact on the pet food and pet bedding industry. It was estimated that over 1 million dogs and cats were lost during this time because they did not have access to proper food or shelter. It

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The different methods of converting leads to sales

To convert leads into paying customers, they need to be pushed towards purchasing decisions. Leads will not automatically convert to sales. Additional strategies are required to produce the conversion.  Given below are tips that would help a business to convert leads to sales. Research the target audience What customers want

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PR tactics to build a brand

PR is an important tool for a brand to further its reach. It can help a brand get media placements that can further develop its identity. It is an effective way, not only to build a brand but also to communicate to a target audience and attract further investment. To

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100 Miami 10 Creative Interior Designers of Miami 7

PR for interior designers

To showcase designs and projects for interior spaces, to a targeted audience, PR is crucial. PR can make a big difference and be a game-changer for a business. Since PR involves media coverage, it can help to build a positive reputation for a business. It can increase the credibility of

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Better Building of Travel and Hospitality Brands

The return of business travel

People may have become habituated to Zoom meetings but that cannot replace what is felt while  meeting someone  and shaking hands. In the past couple of years, COVID-related travel bans kept a lot of people grounded. A major reason had also been an attempt to keep business costs down for

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