PR Perspectives

Crisis PR and the Pentagon's Budget

Crisis PR & the Pentagon’s Budget

For decades a large part of the U.S. federal budget has been attributed to military spending and development. It’s not a secret. But information was released recently about how much of their budget is about PR, and what some would call the propaganda machine. The sad truth is that the

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Muck Rack for PR Pros, Journalists, Marketers, and Bloggers

Muck Rack for PR Pros, Journalists, Marketers, and Bloggers

Muck Rack reports on their website that they are the easiest way to contact journalists and bloggers with a story for your organization or PR clients. For their customers they provide alert notifications, track your content and who shares it, as well as the different sites that include it on

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German TV star takes heat for blackface sketch

German TV star takes heat for blackface sketch

Okay, say it with me now, if you do something in blackface, no matter how funny you think it is, you will need to hire a PR company to fix your stupid mess. Seriously, at this point in history, you would think folks would be beyond certain things. It doesn’t

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Crisis PR - How Natural Disasters Impact Travel PR

Crisis PR – How Natural Disasters Impact Travel PR

Natural disasters are never a good thing, but is it possible to bring good out of such an event when it happens? Take hurricanes or tsunamis; they can leave a lot of damage in their wake, and when it comes to travel public relations for that area or resorts, it

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Finn Partners Discovers the Greatest Fears of IT Decision Makers

News from Finn Partners, PMK*BNC & W2O

Finn Partners Discovers the Greatest Fears of IT Decision Makers According to Finn Partners Tech Practice managing partner Sabrina Horn, “The challenges that I.T. decision makers face each day are truly daunting. From aging technology infrastructures to cybersecurity threats to the need to keep up with the latest innovations, it’s

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