PR Perspectives

Making Biotech advances known

Making Biotech Advances Known

Biotech may seem highly technical to everyone outside of the field, and in fact, it may be exactly that. But even highly technical things can become understandable when discussed in the right way. Advances in biotech often happen in minute adjustments, so it seems pointless to keep the public informed

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PR Can Build Bridge Between Police and the Community

Can PR Build a Bridge Between Police and the Community?

The Phoenix City Police recently took a proactive approach with the intent of mending and improving relations with the public. Over time, a great disconnect has developed between members of the public and police force in Phoenix. Of course, everyone knows about similar disconnects making their way into the news

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Profile of Pollack PR Marketing Group

Profile of Pollack PR Marketing Group

Pollack PR Marketing Group – PPMG was founded in 1985 and has offices in Los Angeles (headquarters) and New York City. They are a member of WorldCom Public Relations Group and with about 20 employees currently, they specialize in consumer products and services, B2B, professional services, and corporate PR.

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Influencer Public Relations

Influencer Public Relations

A news article, even in today’s world, usually tries for impartiality. Influencers, on the other hand, have no such need or requirement. In fact, they can absolutely take sides, steer in one direction, and promote products freely – generally, they disclose if they receive some kind of reward for doing

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Amazon continues hiring blitz

Amazon Set to Build its Own Rainforest

Amazon plans to bring the jungle to its employees in the form of a greenhouse, open only to employees in downtown Seattle. The project will become home to thousands of plants, including several endangered species. Inside, Amazon plans to build tree-houses, connected by suspension bridges, which employees can use and

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Building a PR Bridge

Building a PR Bridge

When you build a bridge in an area considered to be protected by an act of Congress, it takes another act of Congress to begin the process. But sometimes that’s necessary when the existing one is more than 80-years-old and could fail in the not too distant future. If the

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Western Nations Struggling to Sell Citizens on Security

What We Can Learn About Successful PR from ISIS

When talking about successful branding ISIS isn’t the group most people would think of first. But, ISIS is a group that has learned to promote itself using well-planned marketing and public relations. They have learned to present themselves using very sophisticated PR approaches and methods. While there cause may not

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Rebranding a City: Sheffield’s Outdoor Adventure

Rebranding a City: Sheffield’s Outdoor Adventure

Last October, Sheffield’s council gave the city a new name and face, by rebranding it as The Outdoor City. The council hoped to market the city’s scenic routes and local activities to outdoor lovers, adventure travelers, and businesses that specialize in this niche. Since then, the return on that investment

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Western Nations Struggling to Sell Citizens on Security

Western Nations Struggling to Sell Citizens on Security

After yet another very public attack in France, Western governments are scrambling to convince their citizens they are safe, and everything is under control. Even as combined military forces continue to barrage ISIS in Syria and Iraq, civilians at home have been terrorized by a string of very public mass

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