SHIFT Communications Is Mimecast’s New AOR

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Shift Communications Logo

SHIFT Communications is the new PR agency of record for Mimecast, a company that provides cloud-based email management for Microsoft Exchange, including archiving, continuity and security. SHIFT will provide traditional public relations counsel, campaigns, as well as online public relations, including sociak media outreach.

The purpose of these campaigns is to promote Mimecast’s cloud-based email management, especially for mission critical Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 environments, and to raise brand awareness that would accelerate the company’s rapidly growing U.S. market traction.

“SHIFT has a proven track record of driving sales through PR in our market, and a strong tech pedigree. SHIFT is the natural choice to elevate and expand the market understanding of how Mimecast takes the pain out of managing email and sets enterprises up to capitalize on the migration to Exchange 2010,” – said Samantha Stone, VP Marketing North America at Mimecast, cited in an official press statement.

The announcement came in June, but SHIFT begun the contract with Mimecast in May and has already provided a number of PR services for the company, including tech media relations, social media strategy and outreach, and speaking engagement management.

With Mimecast, SHIFT Communications rounds up its enterprise and consumer technology brands portfolio, that already includes Logitech, Bing, Quiznos, Club Med, Akamai, Virgin Mobile, Canadian Club, Quantum, RealNetworks, Yelp, Johnson & Johnson and H&R Block.

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