Ragan’s Social Media Boot Camp for Corporate Communicators

If you are yet to master social media tools and still need guidance through the web of the 2.0 online word, the one day Social Media Boot Camp for Corporate Communicators organized by Ragan Communications in New York City on May 17th is the right place to expand your skill set. This one day work shop will help you master the social media tools that are changing public relations and brand promotion – blogs, podcasts, wikis, social networks, YouTube, and more – so that you can inspire employees, get more media coverage and boost your company’s or brand’s image.

Ragan’s Social Media Boot Camp has been a raving success in past years and promises participants will gain a complete understanding of how social media and web 2.0 works, why these new tools matter and how they can make a difference in your PR efforts. The work shop focuses on success stories, proven models and techniques and already tested methods, favoring them over theory and promises of having the world at your feet over night.

Those attending the workshop will learn what and how to do it, as well as what not to do and what ignoring social media as a communication channel can lead to, all showcased with famous examples of how well-known companies performed or failed. You will have a better grasp of what launching a corporate blog entails, how to decide on what social networks to create profiles and how to get the best out of every social media site you use, you will learn how to tackle possible online crises and how to convince upper management and clients to invest in PR 2.0 campaigns.

Dell, Starbucks. Sun Microsystems, Southwest Airlines, IBM, Sony and the Pentagon are but a few of the business world examples analyzed and explained at the Social Media Boot Camp. For more details on the full agenda, registration and pricing, please visit the event page.

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