As a leading independent PR agency in the health and science space, Spectrum Science Communications commits to achieving unique goals across several practice areas. These include biotechnology, biopharma, health technology, public affairs, and consumer science
Being a full-service agency, Spectrum employs insight-driven approaches to create frameworks supporting clients’ advocacy initiatives, marketing communications, design services, and digital communication. Partnering with GLOBALHealthPR (as the chair and US partner), Spectrum’s clients enjoy a global reach.
Headquartered in Washington, DC, and with offices in New York, Chicago, and Atlanta, the agency has grown exponentially, over the past four years. To note: Spectrum reported a 20% increase in year-over-year revenue in the 2017-2018 financial year. Leveraging analytics-driven strategies and exceptional talent, the award-winning agency provides an integrated approach across its practice areas.
That said, Spectrum’s leadership makes the brand stand out in the PR space. The vastly experienced leadership team is as follows:
Experienced Leadership Team
#1. Jonathan Wilson, Chief Executive Officer
Heading Spectrum, Jonathan Wilson leads a creative team composed of global science communications pros. Leveraging years of experience, a futuristic view, and extensive PR skills, Wilson’s stewardship has seen Spectrum PR expand into a powerhouse in healthcare storytelling and integrated science.
Allowing Spectrum’s team to play a proactive role in shaping and owning the agency’s direction, Wilson’s leadership approach has engendered incredible loyalty in the agency. What’s more, incredible loyalty among staff members has enabled the organization to meet diverse and highly complex projects. Working together with Spectrum’s team, Wilson has developed uniquely successful and science-driven campaigns across the globe.
Previously, Jonathan held senior counselor positions at some of the world’s leading pharmaceutical brands.
#2. Michelle Gross, President
As president, Michelle Gross drives proper implementation of strategy, creativity & innovation, and engagement for the agency’s clients. Having served as the managing director, responsible for the New York City office, and in charge of the biopharma department both of which she built from scratch, Gross presents a highly interdisciplinary and interwoven approach to leadership.
Combining extensive hands-on experience with a commitment to effective communication in healthcare, the marketing pro offers unique insight into different therapeutic disciplines. These disciplines include neuroscience, diabetes, cardiovascular health, immunology, oncology, and neuroscience
Leveraging diverse knowledge in behavioral neuroscience, Gross imparts the importance of building relationships and being an invaluable asset to clients, creating highly effective teams.
#3. Rob Oquendo, Chief Innovation Officer
Having more than 25 years of experience in the digital space, Rob Oquendo brings extensive marketing insight to the organization. Being the agency’s futurist, Oquendo offers cutting-edge services by introducing game-changing innovations across the agency.
A notable innovation that’s attributed to Oquendo’s genius is Spectrum’s Galileo6 platform. Plus, the PR pro heads Spectrum’s intermedia initiatives. Combining a passion for teamwork and technology, the chief innovation officer is a well-known expert providing strategic insights, direction, and growth across all aspects of the agency.
#4. Other Key Leaders
Spectrum’s leadership team also includes highly experienced leaders like Justin Rubin
(Chief Creative Officer), Michelle Strier (Chief Strategy Officer), Tim Goddard (President, GlobalHealthPR),and many more.