Utah State Board of Education Seeks Marketing and Public Relations Firm

utah public relations news
utah public relations news

The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) is soliciting qualifications and quotes to provide marketing and public relations services for the Utah State Charter School Board (SCSB). The Utah State Board of Education is a constitutionally established, elected, non-partisan body that exercises “general control and supervision” over the public education system in Utah, including establishing the state educational core standards, state educator licensing policies, and state high school graduation requirements. Its 15 members are elected from geographic areas in Utah to four-year terms. The State Board meets for a two-day session each month; meetings include study sessions, committee meetings, full board meetings, and meeting separately as the board of the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (USDB).

The State Board appoints the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to administer all programs assigned to the Utah State Board of Education in accordance with the policies and standards established. Both the State Board and State Superintendent are responsible for compliance with state and federal laws and administrative rules affecting education and for the distribution of over $4 billion to charter and district schools.

Scope of Work:

The State Charter School Board (SCSB) is looking for a vendor who will:

                • Create school marketing trainings that the SCSB would own, then present those trainings at Charter Directors meetings (September-May) in 15-minute increments.

                • Create and disseminate information on school choice and different school options, including charter schools, to real estate agents, and other groups, that will help parents understand the education options for their students.

                • Create and help disseminate information on the SCSB, and charter schools in general, for policymakers.

                • The SCSB would own the templates/master documents for any document created for SCSB.

                • Help SCSB improve its influence and reach on social media.

                • Generate traffic to the www.utahscsb.org website.

                • Create templates for SCSB’s “Annual Report”, “Fact Sheet for Legislators”, and other reports (from input and examples SCSB provides).

                • Create and conduct a Public Relations training for charter school governing boards and schools, to be presented at Charter Directors meetings.

                • Market the Utah Charter Access Point (UCAP), www.ucap.schools.utah.gov to get charter schools familiar it (such as updating their contact information).

                • Train the SCSB on speaking to policy makers and the public.

Due Date:

May 8th, 2019. 



Firms with relevant experience include Edelman PR and Zeno Group.

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