Virginia’s Community College, Media Monitoring Services and Analytics

Virginia’s Community College, Media Monitoring Services and Analytics

Virginia’s Community College, Media Monitoring Services and Analytics


The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified offerors to establish a Virginia Community College System-wide contract, through competitive negotiation for the purchase of media monitoring and analytics services – Tracking of real time online, social media, print media, and broadcast media monitoring; alerts; reporting, and media intelligence. This solicitation is being conducted on behalf of the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), to include its twenty-three (23) Community Colleges, the Virginia Community College System Office and the Shared Services Center (SSC). Immediate needs for this contract are for the VCCS Systems Office, Thomas Nelson Community College, and New River Community College.


Virginia’s community colleges serve an estimated 400,000 people across the state. The opportunities we provide include some of the most cutting-edge and highly-demanded training and education available. We give everyone the opportunity to learn and develop the right skills so lives and communities are strengthened. Virginia’s Community Colleges were created in 1966 to address Virginia’s unmet needs in higher education and workforce training. The newest Strategic Plan, Complete 2021, contains a single goal: to triple the credentials students earn in academic and workforce areas.

Scope of Work

 VCCS requires an online system to provide Media Monitoring Services and Analytics including: real time online, social, print, and broadcast media monitoring; alerts, reporting, and media intelligence. The Offeror shall provide media contact management, including but not limited to: monitoring, analytic and tracking services for all in print, television and other media (blogs, social media, etc.) services about the Virginia Community College System.


  • Monitor global online, social, print, and broadcast media for all VCCS entities, currently twenty-three colleges and two centralized agencies (System Office and Shared Services Center).
  • Provide clips of all VCCS media findings as well as critical and emerging news relevant to higher
  • Identify media coverage, media sources, and promotional
  • Provide customizable dashboard-style summaries, reports, and analytics to reveal mentions, insights, trends, impact, and brand sentiment across all media
  • Provide data to analyze media response and to evaluate impact of VCCS earned media coverage, actions, campaigns, and
  • Identify key influencers and journalists, including their bios, areas of interest/beats, and contact information, and provide tools for relationship
  • Provide executive and presentation metrics, data intelligence, and customizable
  • Provide ability to post and distribute internal and external branded news and
  • Provide roll-up data and reporting for the System Office identifying each individual VCCS entity.
  • Provide each individual VCCS entity data and reporting unique to their specific college/agency.
  • Provide media data and alerts via mobile apps for multiple
  • Provide multiple opportunities for live remote training for all VCCS entities at a mutually acceptable date and time covering full use of the proposed solution and optimal use of all available functionality, both at onset of use and as needed for refresher training and new employee

Due Date

September 12th


Commonwealth of Virginia

Virginia Community College System

Shared Services Center Procurement Intake

147 Daleville Centre Drive Daleville, Virginia 24083

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