Association for Commuter Transportation Issues Lobbying RFP

Association for Commuter Transportation Issues Lobbying RFP

Association for Commuter Transportation Issues Lobbying RFP


The Association for Commuter Transportation is a 501c (6) organization that was established in 1985 and is now the nation’s leading organization for transportation demand management professionals. Our 875 members and 12 regional chapters represent a diverse range of sectors including private employers, institutions of higher education, hospitals, city and state agencies, non-profits, service providers, and consultants.
ACT strives to get the most out of our transportation system by empowering the people, places, and organizations working to advance TDM to improve the quality of life of commuters, enhance the livability of communities, and support economic growth. Achieving this mission requires ACT to successfully advocate for federal and local policies and funding that support the efforts of ACT and our members. Currently, ACT’s public policy efforts are guided by ACT’s Public Policy Committee, which is made up of Board approved representatives from ACT’s chapters and councils. ACT’s Public Policy Committee, currently meets monthly via web conference. The meeting includes both a briefing to the membership and a business meeting for committee members to discuss and vote on items needing committee approval. Our consultant will take the lead in developing the agenda for the meeting with our Committee Chair. Our consultant also presents 5-20 minute updates at each meeting (8 per year) of the Board of Directors including at least two (2) in person meetings.

With this RFP, ACT is seeking proposals from qualified firms, teams, or individuals (the “Consultant”) interested in leading ACT’s government affairs and federal lobbying efforts. To help us in our selection, please take the time to review our desired scope of work, which is based on services currently provided to ACT and incorporate these details into your proposal. As well, we encourage you to raise and respond to additional questions that we did not include but you feel will assist us in our decision-making process.

Scope of Work:

The selected Consultant will act as an extension of ACT’s staff, serving as ACT’s government affairs department and federal lobbyist. Working closely with ACT staff and members, Consultant will:
1. Lead efforts to shape ACT’s public policy and government affairs efforts and priorities, working with ACT staff, Board of Directors, and Public Policy Committee.
2. Develop strategies and advocate for opportunities to influence federal legislation and policy that advances ACT’s mission to increase support and funding of TDM programs, and work with chapters/members on local TDM-related issues as time permits and is approved in advance by Executive Director.
3. Monitor, report, and advise on development of TDM related legislation, regulations, or policy directives at the federal, state, and local levels that are pertinent to ACT and ACT members.
4. Serve as ACT’s liaison, represent ACT and assist in developing relationships with Congress, members of staff of transportation and other relevant committees and federal agencies, including but not limited to, the US Department of Transportation and its subdivisions (FTA and FHWA) and US EPA.
5. Conduct activities necessary to carry out ACT’s goals with respect to the passage, defeat, or amendment of proposed legislation and the development of federal regulations.
6. Arrange appointments, meetings, and invitations to speak with members of Congress and federal agencies as required.
7. Assist with and monitor participation in relevant coalitions, organizations, and forums, and keep ACT staff informed of significant developments.
8. Work closely with Public Policy Committee Chair to lead the efforts and meetings of the Public Policy Committee.
9. Be available as needed to provide timely updates to ACT staff, Board of Directors, and Policy Committee members related to the advancement of ACT’s policy goals.
10. Provide a written monthly status report with invoice no later than the 10th of the month (or other agreed upon date) to ACT on pending legislation, agency activities, meetings held on ACT’s behalf, and other developments at the federal level that may be of interest to ACT; assist with and provide content for ACT’s monthly policy newsletter and website.
11. Provide monthly briefings to ACT members via web conference (typically 30-60 minutes).
12. Work with Public Policy Committee to lead the development of three 90-minute sessions at ACT’s International Conference.
13. Create position papers, legislative briefs, talking points, testimony, and comment letters regarding legislation or policy issues when deemed necessary.
14. Work with ACT staff to coordinate an annual public policy event in DC, which may range from a fly-in (scheduled this year for May 15-16) to policy summit (spring 2019) depending on year and desires of the policy committee/Board of Directors.
15. Assist ACT in efforts to advance policy agenda on the local level through our chapters and councils, including our 25×20 campaign aimed at increasing the number of cities/regions adopting transit benefit ordinances.
16. Maintain a level of awareness and knowledge of issues of interest to ACT and our members.
17. Develop agreed upon performance metrics for government affairs and public policy efforts.

Due Date:

March 21st


Association for Commuter Transportation
One Chestnut Square, 2nd Floor
Sharon, MA 02067

Strong government relations companies include APCO Worldwide.


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