EPR Staff

Sixties mind warp via Pinterest
PR News

Three Must See Social Media Shares

There’s no question social media channels carry not only gems, but also some real “thuds” when it comes to value. All those Google employees sharing looped animation on g+, Facebook game requests out the ying and yang, even Pinterest pins nobody needs or wants. Oh, but those are the negatives. What about random stuff that is sometimes funny, but also characteristically insightful. Okay, there is truth in the hilarity of the PR business too.

Neil Armstrong
PR News

God Rest Neil Armstrong: Hero of Man

The news that one of America’s great true heroes has died hits hard, especially for the Baby Boomer generation. Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, died at age 82 yesterday. In a world of make believe superheroes and glam celebrities, the passing of real courage and humility is truly noted.

Conferize logo
PR News

Conferize: Lots of Connecting Implications

When was the last time a client asked you to list or book a conference? If you are in the public relations realm chances are good that you need to know a lot about conference schedules, and maybe even the “who’s who” of who is going to be there. This point of PR pain is where Conferize can really lend a helping hand.

Printed technology

The Future of ROI May Be Written – Or Printed

If you are sitting there with your Monday thinking cap on wondering what will be the very “next thing” in consumer engagement, maybe your waiting and thinking is already over. IPI (Europe) Limited, printable interactivity may already be here. Your read correctly, real world printed products and packaging that can help generate not only interest but purchases.

Brian Fitzgerald

Marketing Man: O’Rourke Hospitality’s Brian Fitzgerald

Everything PR News has engaged in discussion with a number of key decision makers over the last year. PR gurus, creatives, journalists and editors, but not so many marketing experts. We found just such a guru in Brian Fitzgerald.

PR News

Marketing Any Developer Should Know – Before the Launch

Knowing how to present your idea, your business, and particularly your startup, even before you are ready for customers. For believers in symbolic excellence and “Hollywood” presentation, we offer up 5 new startups that tease the anticipation spot.

Ben & Jerry's
Consumer PR

Tweet Your Way to Ben & Jerry’s Bliss

Ben & Jerry’s has decided to really engage customers via social media. The world’s richest ice cream, from a legendary brand, may just end up on your office doorstep. As a social media event, the cheeky ice cream duo have come up with a promo to end all promos for their new Greek Frozen Yogurt.

Ace Metrix

Ace Metrix: London’s Best Ads

Ace Metrix™, a TV and ad analytics leader, has announced a unique Olympic ad effectiveness program. Agencies and brands can subscribe to the new program for viewing Olympic themed ads across many industry niches.

Tout'd logo
PR News

Tout’d Gets $1.4 Mil to Show & Tell

Tout’d, “Digital Word-of-Mouth”, so to say, is a social media platform and referral engine for friends to experience and share their reccomendations. The startup has now announced a $1.4 million seed funding round that will hopefully enable the platform to shift into high gear. The company’s stated dogma now seems more possible than ever to achieve.