EPR Staff

Lynn tilton
PR Insights

Focus Jesup Georgia and Lynn Tilton’s Rebuilding of America

Wall Street’s involvement in our economic woes is now begining to be seen fully. Big time investment in big business has put all of America’s eggs in the wrong basket. Focusing on small towns in America, like Jesup, Georgia for instance, can open a window into what Wall Street innovator Lynn Tilton professes; “Rebuilding America – One Company at a Time – One Job at a Time,” could alter America’s course – one town at a time too.

cheech chong
Entertainment PR

Cheech and Chong Alive and Well This April 20th

Google trends today are all about a cryptic term 420. The meaning of the term is obviously tied to marijuana use, but not many people know how it was originated. Other than some references to 70’s comedy act Cheech and Chong, 420 just insinuates pot smoking. The term does have other implications though.

Oprah Winfrey PR Genius everything-pr
Entertainment PR

Oprah Winfrey’s Biography, Exposé or Repose

Oprah Winfrey is the subject of a controversial unauthorized biography now. The world according to Oprah is chomping at the bit to see if she is the saint millions paint her as. Author Kitty Kelly is famous too, for revealing (or appearing to) celebrity dirt. Is this just more PR for Winfrey, or is there anything to be a buzz about?


MyOnlineToolbox – What It Could Become

Are you familiar with that half melancholic, half regretful feeling one sometimes has when looking back at a project or relationship that did not go very well and thinks of what could have been if only a few little aspects would have turned out differently? Change few to a lot and you will get my feeling after testing MyOnlineToolbox for a couple of days.

PR News

First Topeka, Then Granite State of Mind, The World Goes Google

Chris Wisecarvers home state of New Hampshire gets a boost from his YouTube video going viral. First we say Topeka and Google in the social media branding exchange, now states are getting in on the act of visibility, but not from their experts, from would be rappers gone digital.

topeka kansas
PR News

The Topeka Google Logo and Brand Strength

For April Fools Google changes its name to Topeka. The interesting thing is how Topeka changes the city’s name to Google. The city website is now called “The City of Google”, so millions may think Google bought Topeka perhaps? Google’s brand is so strong the sky is the limit as far as their applying it.

Waggener Edstrom Wolrdwide PR
PR News

Bing and Waggener Edstrom’s Long Road Ahead

You can plug a billion dollars into a PR machine, but you still cannot sell ice cubes to Eskimos. Waggener Edstrom has tried to sell Microsoft’s Bing search engine with everything from hot fashion models to the man on the street, still the prodigal search entity languishes at third banana on the search treadmill. What will WE try next?

Google Bird

Google Versus Facebook, Traffic and Where To Shove It

Facebook supposedly surpassed even Google recently in traffic, or so the reports say. Certainly Facebook has a rapidly growing user base, but if the company is making money they sure are hiding it well. What good is traffic if it won’t pay the light bill. Facebook uses 5 times as much bandwidth as Google or YouTube, and no one knows how much they win or lose daily. Can speculation and hype continue to keep an online startup in business?

PR Crisis Pringles
Consumer PR

Crisis PR: Another Recall, This Time Killer Pringles

Toyota, GM, Nissan, and now Pringles potato chips, what’s next? This year has been the year for recalling products for safety reasons. Today Pringles announced the recall of batches of potato chips due to possible Salmonella poisoning. The FDA got a tip which led them to a company supplying Pringles.

Silicon Valley Social Media
PR News

Deconstructing Silicon Valley Social Media Dogma

So much PR and marketing dogma these days is about the keys to success. But just how many experts do we need to tell us good products and effective communications lead to success? This article is about deconstruction of Silicon Valley and worldwide salesmanship in favor of creating true methods for digital success.