EPR Staff

instagram social media
PR Insights

Study Shows Companies Prohibit Social Networking on the Job

Workers who want to share the latest news with Facebook friends and Twitter followers will need to wait until after hours or risk violating company policy, a new survey suggests. More than half (54 percent) of chief information officers (CIOs) interviewed recently said their firms do not allow employees to visit social networking sites for any reason while at work.

Groupm Search

Interplay Between Search Marketing and Social Media

A recent study of the correlation between social media and social search marketing shows that the two are quite interrelated. Companies that implement both techniques are seeing a much higher clickthrough rate.

perkett public relations
PR News

Perkett Public Relations: Living In the Digital Communications Trenches

PerkettPR engages social media and networking more effectively than many much larger communicators. Are smaller PR firms more tuned in to the conversation on the Web, or is building upon Internet modalities easier for firms with less resources? Regardless of the reasoning, some PR entities just do not get Internet communication. PerkettPR is down in the trenches, getting out stories and messages with the best of them.

Jinni everything-pr
PR News

Jinni’s Tasteful PR Campaign

Jinni gives PR boost to the Best Friends Animal Society. For a limited time, the company is donating for each person who signs up FREE!

breast cancer awareness everything-pr
Crisis PR

NFL Takes Breast Cancer Awareness to New Heights

Monday Night Football has never been so surprising as Week Four. With even some of the football players wearing pink, the NFL showed its support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Zimmerman Agency PR
PR News

Zimmerman Chosen by CARFAX as Agency of Record

Zimmerman has been selected as the official advertising agency of record for CARFAX. The marketing agency had been working on a project by project basis for several months before being hired on.

SEO tips everything-pr

Press Release Writing Advice from the Pros

How to write effective press releases? This is a question many pros attempt to answer in short editorials. We give you today a list of books, authored by some of the most respected PR professionals in the business.