EPR Staff

Whitepaper Public Relations

The PR Power of a White Paper

Business is booming with white papers. With recently published reports on how the technology industry is taking advantage of this important marketing tool, one cannot ignore how PR has the power to harness the white paper.

claman clevage
PR News

Liz Claman of Fox Business Network Defines Business Sexy

Anchor Liz Claman offers her recipe for being sexy without detracting from the news she reports. Desribed as one of the most “camera ready” lady on the news, Claman is really more concerned with the issues than she is with her sex appeal. Perhaps this is so because her “method” has been honed so well she does not have to think about it. For this writer, I would never have thought such a big deal would be made out of something every “Hollywood” news lady would know?

Mercedes Sales PR
PR News

Mercedes Benz Sales Still Plummeting, And It’s No Wonder

Daimler’s Mercedes Benz may be in be trouble. Conflicting sales numbers and inadvisable or failed deals spotlight a company struggling to get its feet back under it. In a failing economy, amid losses of jobs everywhere, can Mercedes afford to depart from their core expertise? From failed customer support to failed partnerships Daimler may need to look into new leadership rather than new markets like China.

Bonobos Marketing
PR Insights

Bonobos PR: The Ultimate DIY

Bonobos has yet to hire a professional PR company and they have done an excellent job of paying attention to their clients and listening to what they want and need. More companies could stand to take a page from their book and become more interactive on social media.