EPR Staff

PR Insights

Great Leaders Serve

Just before the Last Supper was served, Jesus began to wash the feet of those assembled. Peter was upset by this and didn’t want to

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS


The City of Tracy (City) is requesting proposals from various vendors to provide a package of graphic design and related marketing services for the Grand

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

Liverpool City Council Issues Digital Marketing RFP

Purpose / Background: The Behavioural Insight and Change Team in Public Health, Liverpool City Council work on a variety of behaviour change interventions including delivery

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

Osceola County Seeks Social Media Management Firm

  Osceola County, Florida (County) is requesting Letters of Interest and Statements of Qualifications from qualified parties interested in providing Social Media Management Services. In

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS


    The Alabama Department of Mental Health (DMH), Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (DMHSAS) is seeking proposals from marketing, advertising and/or

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

The Framework Convention Alliance Seeks Website Redesign

  Purpose: The Framework Convention Alliance (FCA) would like to invite bids to redesign its current website, www.fctc.org and develop a membership database. Background: The

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

Montana Pulse Crop Committee Seeks Marketing Firm 

The Montana Pulse Crop Committee invites proposals to fund market development projects and educational projects designed to promote and enhance Montana’s pulse industry. All funding

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

Fresno County Issues Media & Public Relations RFP

  The County of Fresno on behalf of the Department of Public Health (Department) is requesting proposals from qualified vendors to provide media and mass