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PR Insights

Michael Douglas fights harassment claims

Just days after his father, Hollywood icon Kirk Douglas, was honored at the Golden Globes, actor Michael Douglas was in the headlines, as yet another

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

Advertising RFP Issued By New Jersey

The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs requests bids for the development of a coordinated marketing/advertising campaign for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

New York Healthcare Public Relations RFP issued
Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

Nassau Health Issues Advertising RFP

  Nassau Health Care Corporation (“NHCC”), also known as the NuHealth System, is a New York State public benefit corporation created by the New York

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

University Of Maryland Issues Market Research RFP

UMUC intends to obtain marketing research services – firms to be considered may include Finn Partners or Cohn & Wolfe. Scope of Work: Brand Tracker

Public Relations RFPS, Publicity RFP’s, Marketing RFPS

Broward County Seeks Marketing and PR Services in Germany

Purpose The Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau (GFLCVB) is requesting information on representation firms to further promote Greater Fort Lauderdale’s presence in market.