Broward County Board of County Commissioners Issues Marketing RFP

Broward County Planning and Development Division is seeking a qualified firm to provide Census 2020 Marketing Campaign as outlined in the detailed Scope of Services. The objective of this solicitation is to obtain a Consultant to plan, design, implement, monitor, and manage Census 2020 Marketing Campaign to influence historically hard-to-enumerate (HTE) populations to complete Census activities to obtain a complete count in Broward County.


The Broward County Charter provides for a separation between the legislative and administrative functions of government. The nine-member Board of County Commissioners is the legislative and policy-making branch of County Government. The Commission appoints the County Administrator, County Attorney and County Auditor. The Commission also appoints numerous advisory and regulatory boards. The County Administrator oversees the operations of more than 60 offices, departments and divisions. Broward County is an equal opportunity employer and provider of services.

Scope of Work: 

Consultant shall, plan, design, implement, monitor, and manage the Census 2020 Marketing Campaign to influence historically hard-to-enumerate (“HTE”) populations to complete Census activities to obtain a complete count in Broward County, Florida. The Census 2020 Marketing Campaign shall require the preparation of a marketing plan and the implementation of that plan to ensure a complete count. Preparation of the marketing plan shall commence upon contract execution and shall be completed by January 1, 2020. Plan implementation shall commence January 2, 2020 and continue through the Census 2020 period.

                PROJECT OBJECTIVES:

                • Conduct public outreach to increase awareness about the Census 2020.

                • Use key messages that are consistent and relevant to each target audience in support of the mission of the Complete Count Committee.

                • Develop partnerships to maximize non-paid publicity and enhance County’s ability to educate about Census 2020.

                • Use paid and non-paid media, with a special emphasis on ethnic media, to advertise and publicize targeted messages to the general public and HTE groups.

                • Incorporate electronic, social marketing, and non-traditional venues into promotion efforts.

                SERVICES PROVIDED:

                Services: Consultant shall provide all services set forth below on a regular basis without the requirement of specific written authorization from County, and County will compensate Consultant with the total not to exceed the amount set forth in the Agreement (“Services”). Prior to payment by County, Consultant must demonstrate successful completion of the Services with each invoice to County, including successful completion of both routine duties and non-routine events. The Services include all of Consultant’s activities, fees, and services associated with media ad buys. Consultant shall not charge commissions or mark ups on actual media    buys. The actual cost of production and placement of advertisements shall be billed as a  reimbursable expense at actual cost without mark-up, fees, or commission. Consultant shall provide the following Services: 

                1. Marketing Strategy and Creative Services:

                a) Develop a research-based marketing and advertising creative strategy for HTE populations and provide written recommendations.

                b) Develop and produce results-driven marketing and advertising creative to support County’s Census overall marketing strategy.

                c) Provide editorial services, including copywriting, fact-checking, proofreading, and editing of all materials placed, posted, or handled by Consultant.

                d) Provide project management, including, but not limited to, establishing and monitoring the project’s timeline, due dates, satisfying deliverables related to any marketing action, and carrying out the marketing campaign on time and budget. 

                e) Develop a content marketing strategy to deploy across a variety of platforms, including digital content design, programming, and production.

               2. Account Maintenance:

                a) Conduct periodic status calls and in-person meetings with County, the CCC, and sub-committees of the CCC. These periodic status calls and in-person meetings will regard all active projects. These weekly status calls/in-person meetings are non-billable and included in the                 Services.

                b) Ensure highly responsive email and phone communications related to Consultant’s performance of this Scope of Services.

                c) Attend stakeholder meetings, such as Complete Count Sub-committee meetings, as needed.    

                d) Compile monthly reports, including analytics of the impact of executed media strategies and tactics, and provide written recommendations for improvement of key performance indicators.   

                e) Generate custom reports and analytics, as deemed necessary by Consultant or specifically requested by County.

                f) Provide County with detailed invoices on a monthly basis and provide appropriate back-up documents, including detailed time sheets, media proof of performance, detailed summaries of media buy reimbursable, if any, original line item receipts related to reimbursable, and a comprehensive billing recap that includes projections through the end of the fiscal year.

               g) Perform special projects, such as the design and production of support materials and tradeshow elements and displays.

                h) Recommend, incorporate, and implement changes to the Marketing Plan as directed and approved by the Contract Administrator.

                3. Media Planning:

                a) Develop and execute a comprehensive, strategic, research-based, integrated, and evolving mixed media plan targeting key audiences.

                b) Recommend appropriate media channels, including digital, email, print, television, radio, and out of home, and adhere to specific goals as identified by the CCC and its subcommittees. Out of home media channels include, but are not limited to, general outdoor advertising, billboards, banners, and bus and bench advertisements.

                c) Optimize media buys on an ongoing basis to control the effectiveness of advertising in the most cost-effective manner.

                d) Evaluate, on a continuous basis, new media opportunities and ensure an efficient and effective media mix.

                4. Partnerships:

               a) Identify and develop partnerships with community leaders, businesses, community organizations, schools, universities, religious institutions, public utilities, cultural organizations, local governments, and other trusted voices that influence targeted populations to enlist them in positive messaging to further the complete count.

                5. Messaging, Monitoring, and Response:

                a) On a daily basis, Consultant shall monitor community, media, and social media messaging regarding Census 2020 throughout the contract period. The exact social media outlets monitored by Consultant shall be based on targeted HTE populations and on Consultant’s own expertise and metrics. Consultant shall prepare responses for release by County to amplify positive factual messaging and mitigate negative or non-factual messaging. A consultant may issue responses when authorized in writing by the Contract Administrator, or the Contract Administrator’s written delegee.

                b) Design and facilitate focus groups to validate appropriateness and effectiveness of messaging to HTE groups.

Due Date: 

June 11 , 2019 



Agencies with relevant experience include Finn Partners and Ruder Finn.

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