Clark County, Washington Seeking Lobbying Company

Clark County, Washington Seeking Lobbying Company

Clark County, Washington Seeking Lobbying Company

Clark County is requesting proposals from qualified and experienced individuals or firms to serve as the County’s Washington state, Oregon state, and/or federal lobbyist and legislative liaison on a year-round basis. Clark County will consider either separate or joint responses for legislative representation in Washington and/or Oregon and/or for federal representation.


Clark County is located in southwest Washington, bordering Oregon to the south and west, Skamania County to the east, and Cowlitz county to the north. The total county population is approximately 470,000, and Clark County is the fifth most populated county in the state. Clark County simultaneously maintains its own economic identity while being a key component of the greater Portland metropolitan region. Clark County is governed by a Council-Manager form of government. There are five councilors, with four district-specific councilors and one Council Chair elected at-large.

Scope of Work:

Clark County wishes to secure the services of a qualified firm or individual that can provide necessary representation in the Washington state and/or Oregon state legislature(s) and/or in the United States Congress. Services provided through this contract will include:

  • Report to the Clark County Council and the County Manager, and work closely with county staff as appropriate, to identify and anticipate legislative issues which impact Clark County;
  • Proactively and creatively develop a legislative agenda that addresses critical issues related to Clark County specifically, and counties generally;
  • Serve as Clark County’s advisor about the impact of proposed legislation upon Clark County and maintain a tight working relationship with legislators, legislative staff, other state agencies, and associations and caucuses;
  • Meet as needed with the County Council, the County Manager, and appropriate staff to provide advice on prioritizing legislative goals and on legislative issues;
  • Communicate and coordinate with other counties and with other organizations that interact with local governments, including but not limited to the Washington State Association of Counties, the Association of Oregon Counties, and the National Association of Counties;
  • Personally meet with appropriate legislators and legislative staff to advocate Clark County’s positions and to increase awareness and support for Clark County, and to maximize opportunities to advance Clark County’s annual legislative agenda;
  • Represent Clark County by responding to questions/concerns of legislators, regulators, and their staff, both during the legislative session and the legislative interim. This includes the preparation and presentation of Clark County’s positions before legislative committees, working groups, state agencies, task forces, and other forums;
  • Monitor the legislative processes and alert the Clark County Council, the County Manager, and other appropriate county staff of legislative developments, including the introduction of legislation and scheduled hearings that could affect Clark County’s legislative agenda;
  • Identify and lobby defensively on legislation introduced that would negatively impact Clark County;
  • Work with the County Council and the County Manager in arranging lobbying visits to Olympia and/or Salem for the Councilors and appropriate county staff;
  • Provide regular progress reports to the Clark County Council and the County Manager and other staff as needed. This includes a verbal progress update to the Council and County Manager at least once per week while legislators are in session;
  • Draft proposed legislation and perform related research. This includes securing sponsorship and introduction of legislation of concern to Clark County;
  • Develop and lobby for appropriations in the operating, transportation, and capital budgets that are either part of the Clark County legislative agenda or would benefit Clark County;
  • Identify proposed state regulatory changes and rulemaking that may impact Clark County;
  • Attend all hearings and meetings on critical issues as required; and
  • Register as the County’s lobbyist with the Public Disclosure Commission and file all required reports with the Public Disclosure Commission.

Due Date:

July 31st


Clark County

Office of Purchasing

P.O. Box 5000

1300 Franklin Street, 6th Floor, Suite 650

Vancouver, Washington 98660

APCO Worldwide has a strong lobbying arm as does Ketchum PR.

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