Connecticut Port Authority Issues RFP For Communications and Marketing Services

Connecticut Port Authority Issues RFP For Communications and Marketing Services

Through this solicitation, the Authority is seeking communications and marketing selected firms to submit Proposals based on the proposed scope of services. In order to assist the Authority in developing and implementing new strategies for economic development and supply chain solutions for Connecticut’s ports and waterfront facilities, the selected vendor will be expected to (a) provide Communications and Marketing support, and advisory services to better competitively position Connecticut in the maritime industry and (b) identify and engage the appropriate target market/s of the Connecticut maritime industry.


The Connecticut Port Authority (“Authority”) is a quasi-public agency of the State of Connecticut (“State”) whose primary responsibility is to market and coordinate the development of the State’s ports and maritime economy.

The Authority is specifically responsible for (i) coordinating port development, focusing on private and public investments; (ii) pursuing State and federal funds for dredging and other infrastructure improvements and maintain navigability of all ports and harbors; (iii) working with the Department of Economic and Community Development and State, local, and private entities to maximize the ports’ and harbors’ economic potential; (iv) supporting and enhancing the overall development of maritime commerce and industries; and (v) coordinating the State’s maritime policy and serve as the Governor’s principal maritime policy advisor.

Scope of Work:

The Authority is seeking the selected firm to provide appropriate Statewide and National Communication & Marketing Services. While it is the preference of the Authority to select a single communications and marketing firm to provide the full scope of services, listed below, the selected firm(s) may respond to any OR all of the below listed services (collectively referred to as “Services” or “Contract Services”) within their expertise. Contract Services will include, but may not be limited to:

Public Communications Services:

(a) Plan, execute, and communicate all strategic public relations on behalf of the Authority;

(b) Work with the Authority to prepare strategic messaging;

(c) Seek and place feature stories across news and media outlets that portray the Authority in a favorable light and further its strategic, communications and business goals;

(d) Maintain contact with news and media outlets, reporters and editors of importance to the Authority;

(e) Draft and distribute press releases and advisories;

(f) Draft and distribute commentary and op-ed pieces, as appropriate;

(g) Develop content for a variety of printed and digital materials, including but not limited to;

  1. Authority logos, taglines, or other key branding;
  2. advertisements (digital and print);

III. folders;

  1. brochures;
  2. newsletters/e-newsletters;
  3. presentation slide decks;

VII. reports;

VIII. policy papers;

  1. one-pagers;
  2. fact sheets;
  3. event invitations;

XII. business cards;

XIII. trade/exhibition booths;

XIV. clothing;

  1. other material as needed;

(h) Schedule, plan and execute press, media and public education/community events in furtherance of the Authority’s communications objectives;

(i) Conduct media training and spokesperson training for designated personnel;

(j) Provide media relations counsel, including;

  1. Local, regional, national and industry press;
  2. Preparation for interviews;

III. Monitoring new media, and;

  1. Engaging media to assist in shaping coverage;

(k) Act as spokesperson, if desired by the Authority;

(l) Plan and execute a successful digital media strategy on behalf of the Authority, as appropriate;

(m) Plan and implement all elements of a successful business public relations plan;

(n) Advise on the most cost-effective approach to advertising.

Creative Services:

a) Provide design services for any branding-related, digital or printed collateral materials, including, but not limited to those items listed in Section 3.1.1(g);

Digital, Website and Social Media Services:

  1. Development and execution of the Authority’s digital media strategy;
  2. Provide strategic counsel, content and design, and management of Authority website, including;
  3. Weekly maintenance of homepage and news clips;
  4. Monthly maintenance of Public Meetings Notices;

iii. Monthly maintenance of Maritime Directory;

  1. Monthly maintenance of Email Newsletter Page, and;
  2. Create, maintain and grow the Authority’s social media presence;
  3. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.;
  4. Incorporate public relations and e-newsletter content into social media.


October 26th


Electronic Submission to:

Mr. Andrew S. Lavigne

Manager, Business Development and Special Projects

Connecticut Port Authority

Subject: RFP No. CPA0000-1804

Firms that could be a fit include Coyne PR and Makovsky PR.

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