Category: Corporate PR

Pampers Public Relations 0

Dry Max PR Goofs: Pampers Attempts to Buy Trust

Four mommy bloggers who are incidentaly Pampers fans, spent Thursday talking about diapers with Procter & Gamble Co. When the meeting was over, they declared themselves “confident” in the product. They will go back home to write positive reviews on their blogs. Would you believe them?

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Auto PR: GM, Toyota, World, Recalling All Autos

GM’s recall of 1.3 million autos for what they say is a “minor” steering problem, reveals another type of negligence for the once mighty corporation – mediocre PR. Suggesting a steering failure, of any kind, is acceptable for auto consumers is ludicrous to the extreme. Just like Toyota, GM appears to be sweeping a lot of liability under the carpet on this one.

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Speyside Corporate Relations Opens South America

Speyside CR, is by extension a tested and refined corporate communications giant. Co-founders Alistair McLeish and Ian Herbison announced the opening of the company’s offices in San Paulo, Brazil. In a conversation with Herbison, Everything PR News gleaned a window into the vision of two of the most successful corporate communicators in the world. These former top executives for MmD (Eastern Europe’s most powerful PR entity) are now engaging South America with the same patented approach to corporate business and collaboration.