Creating a Logo for Your Company: Using a Logo to Drive PR for Your Brand

Creating a Logo for Your Company: Using a Logo to Drive PR for Your Brand

Even if you already have a logo, there are some things you should consider. It may be time to update it or change it if you have one, or if you don’t, is it time to build one?

Your logo is meant to easily identify your company, not just the name of it, but the product, service, mission, or other vital information people can gather about what you do by a glance. Sound impossible? It’s not, but you should now get an idea that it isn’t just a quick throwaway either.

How to Start

Gather your leadership team, or closest advisors together to throw around ideas of what they think represents your brand. You want it to be fairly simple, so someone with little artistic skill can still do a reasonable drawing of it. Another suggestion that’s been made others is to run it by children to see if they find it likable and memorable.

But just because you are keeping the way it looks simple, doesn’t mean you want to oversimplify the ideas that form your logo. There’s a wild animal rescue facility in called Black Jaguar White Tiger and their logo is on a black background and uses white geometric shapes to form two such cats. It is simple, but in black and white (like their name) and seems to convey the message that all life is made up of the same parts. That’s simple, kids would remember it, not too hard to draw, and conveys the message and mission of the brand all in one fell swoop.

Don’t Make Yourself Crazy

A logo is a tool, it can help you accomplish whatever your goals are, but if you get it wrong the first time, you’ve only lost some time and whatever you put the logo on. It can be changed, upgraded, morphed or scratched for the moment. If your logo doesn’t work, recognize that your brand is much more than that logo – it’s what you offer, whether it’s a cheaper ride from the airport and someone’s home to stay while you are on vacation. Logos have power and influence, but a good one won’t sell a bad product. Make sure your product backs up what your logo promises.

Consider Crowdsourcing

If you have some ideas but don’t know what to do with them for your logo, consider one or more crowdsourcing sites that specialize in logos. You’ll get many options to choose from usually, and then you can take a poll of your favorites on your social media accounts. Doing it this way, you can probably get a great logo for a couple of hundred dollars. Considering how many hours you might spend to develop a logo, that’s a bargain.

One final point to think about is how you will use your logo.

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