The Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority (CIRTA) is a form of regional government (IC 36-9-3) established in 2004, which works to expand transportation options for the 10-County region of Central Indiana (including Boone, Delaware, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby Counties). CIRTA currently has three services under its umbrella: Workforce Connect, County Connect, and Commuter Connect. Workforce Connect includes workforce connector bus service to assist moving workforce across county lines to access employment.

Commuter Connect is the regional rideshare program which promotes and encourages employee commuting options other than driving alone in single-occupancy vehicles. The Commuter Connect program works closely with government representatives, economic development professionals, social service agencies, and employers, in addition to employees. Commuter Connect is funded 100% through a federal grant. There are ongoing marketing and public relations needs for CIRTA and all of its programs, and especially for Commuter Connect. Because of the distinct source of funding for Commuter Connect, two separate contracts shall be entered into for each of the entities to be served – CIRTA and its Commuter Connect program; however, both contracts can be entered into with the same team. The CIRTA contract will include the lesser marketing needs of Workforce Connect and County Connect, in addition to the overall needs of CIRTA.

CIRTA hereby issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) in order to carry out marketing and public relations needs of CIRTA:

Scope of Work:

  1. Working in tandem with the Commuter Connect team and its public relations firm, create a media campaign, and paid advertising plan that we anticipate to be around $300,000 in 2018. Budget includes the successful respondent’s fee, creative development, creative production, media buys, media commission and any other costs not previously mentioned. Proposal should clearly state how much of the budget will be spent on campaign and creative development and how much will be spent on actual media buys.
  2. Commuter Connect is seeking creative expertise to develop a media campaign that will encourage more Central Indiana commuters to not only sign up with Commuter Connect to find alternative transportation options, but also start using those options such as carpooling, using the bus, vanpooling, biking or walking to work. Additionally, the program also seeks to increase employer participation in the Commuter Connect program. Finally, the campaign should help increase brand awareness of the Commuter Connect name in the Central Indiana area.
  1. Objectives
  2. Attract new participation by commuters and employers
  3. Retain participation and generate more active participation

iii.   Increase brand awareness, so that commuters and employers know Commuter Connect is a transportation resource

  1. Proposal should include a plan to develop, create and design an ad campaign for the proposed forms of paid advertising.
  1. Paid advertising plan should include traditional and online media. This should include, but is not limited to: radio, billboards, local online advertising, and social media advertising.
  2. Paid advertising should span a time period of April/May 2018 through early December 2018.
  3. Execute the purchase of traditional and online advertising on behalf of Commuter Connect.
  4. Please include the following information in the proposal
  5. Media Mix: Based on the target markets and segments (below), include proposed mix of media channels. Please provide reasoning for mix and provide an estimated timeline of media mix
  1. Compensation: Please outline your proposed agency commission rate on media placement and production. Please also include the hourly rate for each member of the team who would be assigned to this project.
  1. Planning process: The process you use to gather input from your clients.
  1. Results measurement: How you envision tracking results for this project.
  1. Experience with related issues: Please outline any experience the proposed project team has had with issues related to commuting, transit, transportation and/or changing behaviors.

Due Date:

January 5th, 2018





Agencies with transportation experience include Finn Partners and Ruder Finn.

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