Brooklyn Navy Yard Issues Website RFP

Brooklyn Navy Yard Issues Website RFP

With the rollout of its new brand, Brooklyn Navy Yard (BNY) is seeking to create a single new website that reflects BNY’s new identity, based on a consolidation of two existing websites: and The goal is to create a website that is aligned with our new brand, impactful, highly functional and interactive for tenants and the general public. Along with a complete visual redesign, they need to identify the problem areas of our existing sites and make improvements.

About the Brooklyn Navy Yard

BNYDC’s mission is to fuel New York City’s economic vitality by creating and preserving quality jobs, growing the City’s modern industrial sector and its businesses, and connecting the local community with the economic opportunity and resources of the BNY. BNY (“the Yard”) is a mission-based industrial park that is a nationally acclaimed model of the viability and positive impact of modern, urban industrial development. The Yard is now home to over 300 businesses employing more than 7,000 people and generating over $2B per year in economic impact for the City. Building on the Yard’s history as the economic heart of Brooklyn, the 300-acre waterfront asset offers a critical pathway to the middle class for many New Yorkers.

BNYDC is the not-for-profit corporation that serves as the real estate developer and property manager of the Yard on behalf of its owner, the City of New York. BNYDC constantly strives to provide an environment in which businesses and careers can take root and grow. Industrial users, and in particular manufacturers, are BNYDC’s highest priority. The Brooklyn Navy Yard was once one of the nation’s most storied naval shipbuilding facilities that for over 150 years built and launched America’s most famous fighting ships, including the USS Maine, USS Arizona, and USS Missouri. The Yard also served as an important point of passage, home, and workplace for countless veterans while they served our country.

BNYDC believes that the industrial sector can and will flourish in New York City, employing a diverse cross-section of New Yorkers in jobs that offer real career pathways. BNYDC’s goal is to more than double employment – to 16,000 jobs – by 2020. BNYDC’s vision for the Yard is a vibrant and dense, modern manufacturing community where businesses are provided the stability needed to invest, grow, and thrive.


  1. Planning Phase Assumptions (Digital Discovery)
    The first phase should include:

    • Analysis of existing websites (BNY & BLDG 92) to determine what elements are to be kept, including design and functionality aspects and to better understand BNY’s backend environment (Django);
    • Conduct an audit of BNY’s websites, review analytic data to understand traffic patterns and content consumption, and review competitor websites;
    • Conduct meetings with BNY users (TBD) to gain insights into key features and functionality required, to be used to help inform UX and design decisions. This timing of this discovery period should be kept at a minimum and should only include those interviews that are critical to determining the UX;
  2. Design & Development Phase (Design/Prototype/Build)
    • Illustrate a new navigational hierarchy and outline recommendations on consolidating content from the BNY and Bldg92 websites
    • Include recommendations on what content to keep, remove or merge from the two websites. This may also involve preparing a roadmap for future development work and possibly for APP development
    • Migrate all content to new site
    • Create newly designed home and interior pages based on a merger of the two websites
    • Create two new, key, user interface Tenant pages with advanced functionality: Tenant Directory and Events Listings (user authentication required)
    • Includes design of all visual and copy elements
  3. Testing/Beta/Launch Phase
    • Code and browser testing
    • Analytics setup

Proposal due by December 4th, 2016 to:

Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation
63 Flushing Avenue – Building 292 Unit 300 Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: (718) 907-5903

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