Fresh & Easy California Jobs & Produce?

Fresh & Easy logoReading through press releases this morning, I came across in interesting one from Tesco’s Fresh & Easy brand in the US. The UK retail giant’s local grocery store charm, now takes on a bit of corporate hyperbole via press release. An upscale grocery store announces a relaunch of their careers website? Why is this puzzling? Read and see why.

The headline reads “Fresh & Easy Launches Enhanced Careers Website.” The first thing we learned in English 101 was “write as if your audience knows nothing” – well, knowing nothing of the brand the reader is immediately stricken by the chasm therein. “Is this a career site for feminine hygiene spray manufacturers, or a really refreshing career site.” You see the disconnect, I hope. What are we selling here?

Fresh & Easy stores in Cali.

Fresh & Easy stores are super nice – can they bust into the American psyche?

As it turns out, in case the reader does not know, Fresh & Easy operates some of the coolest grocery stores in California, the US even. Branded via everything from T-shirts to bumper stickers, container on container of company products, and so on – Fresh & Easy is if nothing – a superior label. Then we are stricken with the next conflict via this news – jobs and expanding versus the factual contraction of a UK business flowing in the other direction. Fresh & Easy is not having an easy time, the Tesco chain closed 12 stores just recently.

Living here in Germany, the little differences in the way things are done can be quite daunting, initially at least. The differences in the way groceries are done in Britain (Fresh & Easy), versus the way Cali people are used to, this has been the rub for the Tesco brand. Product packaging to pricing, customers have not always adapted well to the F & E way. Reading this release, it’s a little easy to see why. However, despite what I would call a “cumbersome release” the company has done yet another nice job. And too, Fresh & Easy is opening new locations to offset the closed ones.

Fresh & Easy manufacturing jobs

Fresh & Easy manufacturing jobs section

Once the visitor checks in at say, the Manufacturing area of the careers site, the F & E brand and all available jobs are freshly and more easily found and engaged upon (sorry, pun intended). The screen above shows how “people” are illustrative of the branded happy culture of this concern. Find, investigate, and apply for jobs in manufacturing at Fresh & Easy 1,2,3.

The new site is nice for anyone in search of a job at the company. So you know too, aside this little PR or marketing slip, Fresh & Easy has all the bells and whistles of social media in place. Our next report will compare their efforts to their competitors actually. The g+ variant below for careers looks to be branded like all company limbs, as for deep engagement? We will see.

Fresh & Easy g+ page

Fresh & Easy g+ page

By way of some advice to Tesco, and Fresh & Easy, announcing the use of social media to hire interns, or anyone else for the matter – this is tantamount to saying your marketing department is stuck in the paleolithic age, honestly. Sure, a myriad of businesses are doing so, but Fresh & Easy has such an edgy and crisp brand. Why in the world would you want to suggest your company is three years behind the curve digitally?

We will report further on the growth of the Fresh & Easy brand later on. Actually, the company is quite fascinating. If you watch the video about working in manufacturing at Fresh & Easy, maybe you can detect a sort of different culture going on there. For me, I am not sure if there’s really a cultural divide or not. I do know the manufactuging dogma below would be well applied to marketing in the US.

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