Lamar State College Issues Advertising RFP

Lamar State College Issues Advertising RFP

Lamar State College Issues Advertising RFP


Lamar State College-Orange (“LSC-O”) is soliciting Competitive Sealed Proposals (“Proposal”) for selection of one or more responsive and responsible advertising services, at the sole discretion of LSC-O and as determined to be in the best interest of LSC-O, to provide the described advertising services (“Work”). LSC-O is soliciting Proposals for an advertising and marketing communications firm to develop and implement effective advertising and marketing communication programs to build and sustain enrollment growth through a diverse range of student recruitment, student retention and community outreach initiatives.

Scope of Work:

Respondents will work closely with the Owner’s marketing staff to create marketing and advertising campaigns throughout the year. Build on established brand promise and guidelines to develop recommendations for marketing communication strategies and tactics that will more effectively integrate LSC-O’s approach to enrollment growth, student success and community support and awareness. Develop a plan to allocate advertising/media budget effectively to support LSC-O’s positioning strategy and to reach various target markets effectively. Create and produce advertising for the various recommended media and purchase media to execute this plan, which should include the use of electronic media and internet search marketing. Monitor and provide analytic data to ensure the effectiveness of advertising and media expenditures.

Revise and update advertising and media plan to effectively deliver key messages to potential students, including high school students.

Help meet enrollment goals in a highly competitive higher education marketplace.

All marketing communications must speak effectively, to targeted audiences, which include the following:

  • Prospective students
  • Current students
  • LSC-O internal audiences
  • Parents
  • High School counselors and college advisers
  • Employers
  • Community
  • Local Industry

Produce television and radio ads to promote a curriculum consisting of more than 30 degree and certificate programs covering a wide range of career and technical educational opportunities.

Creative concepts and messaging will need to build on the established brand.  Respondents should have working knowledge, or experience with the following traditional and non-traditional media platforms: television, radio, outdoor advertising, Google AdWords, Pandora radio, print publications, YouTube video advertising and social media advertising. Respondents should also have in-house creative service departments to assist LSC-O’s marketing staff with campaign development for the above-mentioned media platforms.

Respondents must have a working knowledge of the local market and must be able to place media buys based on industry standard ratings surveys and software in the Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana Market Area.

Due Date:

May 4th


410 Front Street, Room 328

Orange, Texas 77630


Edelman has a strong Texas PR office.

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