Marketing RFP Issued By San Diego

San Diego PR Agency Needed

The  County  of  San Diego  (County)  Department  of  Public  Works  (DPW),  Watershed Protection Program  (WPP)  seeks qualified  Contractors  to  design,  develop, implement,  and  evaluate  the  existing  program  for  a  comprehensive  behavior change  marketing campaign to  improve  stormwater  quality  through public  education, public  participation,  and community engagement. A  behavior  change  marketing campaign  is  envisioned  to  be  research-driven, integrating techniques  that  use psychological  principles of  behavior  change  to  directly  target  variables  that  encourage  or  inhibit  action.

Per  the Phase  I  Municipal  Separate Storm  Sewer  Systems  (MS4)  Permit  Order  Number  R92015-0100 (Permit  No. CAS010266),   County of  San Diego MS4 Permit,  the  County is required to implement  a  public  education and participation program  in accordance  with strategies  identified  in  its  Water  Quality  Improvement Plans  (WQIP)  to promote  and encourage  the  development  of  programs, management  practices, and behaviors to reduce  the  discharge  of  pollutants  in stormwater  to the  maximum  extent  practicable, prevent  controllable  non-stormwater  discharges  from  entering the  MS4, and protect  water quality in receiving waters.   To support  that  effort, the  Contractor  shall  support, develop, implement, and evaluate  a strategic and  results-oriented behavior  change  marketing campaign. The  WPP  is  interested in utilizing  a range of  media and  outreach  strategies  to  maximize  the  efficiency  and  efficacy  of the  marketing campaign budget.  One  of  the  WPP’s  primary objectives  is  to  increase  knowledge and  awareness  of  surface  water  quality,  stormwater  quality,  and  watershed protection strategies to improve  community perceptions  on how  to prevent  stormwater  pollution.  


The County of  San  Diego  (County)  Department  of  Public  Works  (DPW), Watershed Protection Program  (WPP)  seeks  qualified Contractors  to design, develop, implement, and evaluate  the existing program  for  a  comprehensive  behavior  change  marketing campaign to improve stormwater  quality through public  education, public  participation, and  community engagement.  A  behavior  change marketing  campaign  is  envisioned  to  be research-driven, integrating techniques  that  use  psychological  principles  of  behavior  change  to directly target variables  that  encourage  or  inhibit  action.


Contractor  shall  provide  the  services  described herein to accomplish  the  following goals:

  • Create,  implement,  and  evaluate the  efficacy  of  a behavior  change  marketing campaign for  stormwater  pollution prevention.
  • Provide  as-needed support  for  specialized campaigns  and market  research  to support the  broader  behavior  change  marketing campaign  or  other  WPP  objectives.

Proposals due March 11, 2022 prior to 3:00 p.m.  

The Contracting Officer for this solicitation is Holly Lam, Procurement Contracting Officer,  

Relevant agencies to consider include Prosek Partners and Virgo PR

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