The Winchester Regional Airport Authority (“Authority”) is seeking proposals for on-call marketing consulting services.
The Winchester Regional Airport (OKV) is owned and operated by the Winchester Regional Airport Authority, an independent political entity within the State of Virginia. The Authority board is a 9-member body comprised of representatives from the Authority of Winchester and the Counties of Frederick, Shenandoah, Clarke, and Warren. Frederick County acts as the Authority’s fiscal agent and the Authority abides by Frederick County’s procurement policies.
OKV is classified as a general aviation regional airport according to the FAA’s National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS), and is one of just 8 GA airports in the Commonwealth of Virginia designated as a “Business Class” airport with a runway length of 5,500’, instrument landing system, and aviation weather observation system (AWOS-III). The Airport Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operation of OKV along with 10 staff members.
The Authority recently received approval for debt to acquire a 27,000 SF hangar facility capable of storing aircraft as large as a Gulfstream G550. It also has over 4,100 SF of attached offices with a kitchen, shower facilities, and laundry connections. This hangar represents significant revenue-generating opportunity for the Authority and increases the need for professional marketing services support.
The preferred outcome of this solicitation is to establish a partnership with an on-call consultant to guide the Authority’s marketing efforts, enhance its industry presence, and foster the development of positive working relationships with industry media contacts and regional stakeholders.
Scope of Work:
The Authority seeks to enter into a contract with the selected Offeror to perform the following non-professional marketing consulting services on an as-requested basis. Prior to the onset of any work to be performed, the selected firm and the Authority will outline each task and a schedule for completion. The services performed within the contract period will have a not-to-exceed price determined solely by the Authority.
a. Develop a tailored marketing plan for the newly acquired hangar facility with specific strategies and recommendations designed to maximize return on investment within existing budget constraints.
b. Develop, edit, and circulate press information and advertisements.
c. Create a recommended contact list of agencies, organizations, businesses, and trade associations that should receive information related to the Winchester Regional Airport.
d. Provide guidance on website content and social media integration.
e. Assist in preparing Authority staff for media engagements and interviews
f. Provide guidance on lease negotiations to ensure the Authority’s interests are protected.
g. Provide business development leads or direct contacts based on suitable businesses and/or aircraft for the Winchester Regional Airport.
In its proposal, the Offeror shall provide documentation to prove its ability to meet the following minimum qualifications:
a. Basic information about the firm including number of years in business, employees, general financial information, and proof of insurability.
b. Prior experience providing marketing consulting services at airports. Work samples are preferred, but not required.
c. Qualifications of members of the firm that demonstrate the skill, knowledge, and ability to perform the requested services.
d. Describe the firm’s experience in the aviation industry and cite any specific experience working with regional stakeholders.
e. Any additional information that you feel demonstrates fitness to provide these services.
One (1) original and two (2) copies of each proposal shall be submitted. Offeror shall also provide an electronic copy in PDF format on a USB flash drive. The original of the proposal should be clearly labeled “ORIGINAL”. Offerors shall ensure the following items are addressed in their proposal package:
f. Cover Letter.
1) The company, including its legal name, principal location address and be signed by the person (s) authorized to represent the company.
2) Provide the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person to contact concerning the RFP submittal.
g. Proposal.
Due Date:
September 6, 2019
Airport Manager
491 Airport Road
Winchester, VA 22602