Category: PR Insights

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The different methods of converting leads to sales

To convert leads into paying customers, they need to be pushed towards purchasing decisions. Leads will not automatically convert to sales. Additional strategies are required to produce the conversion.  Given below are tips that...


PR tactics to build a brand

PR is an important tool for a brand to further its reach. It can help a brand get media placements that can further develop its identity. It is an effective way, not only to...

100 Miami 10 Creative Interior Designers of Miami 7

PR for interior designers

To showcase designs and projects for interior spaces, to a targeted audience, PR is crucial. PR can make a big difference and be a game-changer for a business. Since PR involves media coverage, it...

Better Building of Travel and Hospitality Brands

The return of business travel

People may have become habituated to Zoom meetings but that cannot replace what is felt while  meeting someone  and shaking hands. In the past couple of years, COVID-related travel bans kept a lot of...

food games smartphone

Gaming and Food Partnerships

Plenty of companies have started to look for different ways that they can get inside the video game industry. Additionally, with the rise of the metaverse itself and other types of metaverse developments, such...

marketing research

Conducting Market Research

Consumers these days have a lot of power because they’re easily able to research a company’s products or services and make their own purchasing decisions. Additionally, instead of communicating with a sales representative from...

Arizona beauty brands

Sustainability and beauty brands

For consumers today, sustainability is important, and they are willing to switch loyalties to reduce environmental effects. They are adopting a green mentality and are looking for natural and organic ingredients. The beauty industry...


Traveling sustainably

For consumers today, sustainability is a concern. The travel industry is no exception. Awareness about carbon emission from traveling has increased. Sustainable traveling has more positive impact than negative, especially related to the environment....

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