Service Companies Need SEO

SEO 101

For service companies – law firms, accounting companies, ad agencies – every single edge has the potential to increase revenues. That is one of many reasons it is vital to continue to improve (or create) SEO strategies. For businesses, increasing traffic to websites and converting that traffic into new clients is integral to success.

SEO 101
When novices hear SEO, they think of technology geeks working some deep formula, yet for people who work with their brain, it should come as a natural. Content is essential, so for SEO purposes having quality content will drive online traffic to businesses who are doing it right. Organic traffic is highly targeted and one of the more cost effective marketing methods. People who use search engines are actively searching for something in particular, what you want to do is link those people searching with the products or services you provide.

When a business is ranked number one in the search results, it is viewed as an established authority. The number one position on the search engine results receives 56% of clicks. The second position receives 13% and the third position 9%. With the right SEO tactics, a business can achieve the coveted number one spot and be a major component of a successful marketing program.

Additionally, for firms with small budgets, optimizing online advertising can help maximize benefits from the money spent by reaching target audiences faster. For example, a small agency might optimize its website for Google Local. This means choosing keywords so that the location of a business is placed among the top three positions for its local area, thereby increasing exposure for the agency.

80% of people will click on one of the first three links that appear in their search engine results. When people talk about an ROI from a marketing campaign, we strongly recommend using and understanding SEO as a channel in your marketing mix.

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