Category: Social Media

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Five Steps to Social Media Marketing Success

Your company just started up an online presence, there’s all this buzz about social media and some so called “conversation” going on. Figuring out you’ll have to join Facebook and Twitter, maybe even starting a company blog, this is just for starters, what about that steep learning curve to knowing what is what?

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83 Million Accounts Doomed to Facebook Limbo

Facebook finally acknowledged that it has problems, after many complaints that the network was cluttered with fake accounts, a considerable number of which are used for spam. The network will disable these accounts, condemning them to Facebook limbo.


Lochte More Social than Phelps, Attensity Study Shows

In a date range spanning from June 23 to July 23, Attensity Analyze found that over 98% of social media users felt positively about the games. Among the top athletes mentioned by the users, Ryan Lochte scored more mentions than Michael Phelps.

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The Research of Twitter Audience: Preference and Behavioral Aspects

In an ever dynamic world of digital influence, it becomes increasingly important for marketers to know their targeted audience in order to build the right advertising and/or marketing campaigns and promotion strategies, across the same social networks. Armed with the right knowledge of these audiences, business advocates stand a far greater opportunity for conversions than competitors who are in the dark.

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Tweet Your Way to Ben & Jerry’s Bliss

Ben & Jerry’s has decided to really engage customers via social media. The world’s richest ice cream, from a legendary brand, may just end up on your office doorstep. As a social media event, the cheeky ice cream duo have come up with a promo to end all promos for their new Greek Frozen Yogurt.

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