As people in various countries get Internet access, they are very likely to access social networks, a recent Pew Research Center report reveals. These sites are in fact popular across the globe, as people in rich countries and in those with low and middle-income use them.
52% of the people in Britain interviewed for this report said that they use social networking sites, and 50% of those in Russia and the US do the same thing. 49% of the people in Spain and the Czech Republic log on such sites, and 40% of those in Poland and Brazil do the same thing. The top countries that use social networking sites also includes, in order, France, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Tunisia, Germany, Mexico, China, Japan and Egypt – with 30% or more , Greece and Jordan with 20% and India and Pakistan with 3% each.
The study also revealed that phones are used all over the world for various purposes, including taking pictures and texting, while smartphones also become more and more used, with approximately half of the respondents in Britain, the U.S., and Japan having one. New technologies are more popular among young and educated people.
This survey was conducted by Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project from March 17 to April 20 on respondents from 21 nations. Another key finding of the report is that people use social media to express their opinions. 67% said they share their views on music and movies, 46% on community issues, 43% on sports, 34% on politics and 14% on religion.
You can check the complete report and its findings here.
It is a useful report as it covers many nations from various parts of the world, and the key findings show that people have a general preference towards using social networking sites for similar purposes these days, regardless of their country. The survey also shows what we all see around us every day: more and more people use their mobile phones for different tasks and many of them purchase smartphones and use them to go online (among other things).