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The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) is looking for a media vendor assist in the promotion of existing Fair Housing training materials through a digital media campaign.

The mission of TDHCA is to administer its assigned programs efficiently, transparently, and lawfully and to invest its resources strategically and develop high quality affordable housing which allows Texas communities to thrive. One of the ways TDHCA achieves its mission is by providing education on Fair Housing topics and the Fair Housing Act, which protects your right to rent an apartment, buy a home, obtain a mortgage, or purchase homeowners insurance free from discrimination based on seven protected classes: Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex, Familial Status, and Disability. TDHCA ensures that any programs it administers that are subject to the requirement to affirmatively further fair housing remain in compliance with applicable regulations.

TDHCA’s Fair Housing team heads the Department’s efforts to address fair housing issues in the state, working collaboratively across TDHCA divisions to review rules, collect data, and guide the implementation of agency policies and initiatives to decrease impediments to access and further fair housing choice. Fair Housing initiatives include creating internal and external collaborations, collating service data, developing and refining agency fair housing goals, and developing materials and trainings for use by residents, affordable housing and services providers, community groups, and units of local government. The 2019 State of Texas Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice identified the need for greater outreach and education. In an effort to meet this need, effective June 1, 2020, TDHCA’s Fair Housing staff began administering a grant from HUD for the Fair Housing Initiative Program (FHIP) – Education and Outreach Initiative. This initiative seeks to increase compliance with the Fair Housing Act by developing, implementing, carrying out, and coordinating education and outreach programs designed to inform members of the public concerning their rights and obligations under the provisions of the Fair Housing Act. Under this grant, TDHCA has developed and delivered several training webinars and a fair housing brochure that focus on the needs of low-income households in Texas.

To complete the activities under the HUD FHIP grant, the Fair Housing team seeks to promote the available Fair Housing training materials through a digital media campaign.


A.      TDHCA seeks to acquire the services of a qualified marketing firm with experience in Marketing Services, specifically:

1.       Social media strategy, development, implementation, and management;

2.       2. Graphic design and layout services;

B. The successful candidate should have: 

1. The ability to work with a team that includes internal program and marketing and communications staff and TDHCA leadership.

2. Demonstrated experience related to providing services for training and educational materials. Page 5 of 25

3. A working understanding of fair housing and fair lending regulations and requirements, and the ability to produce and provide appropriately compliant deliverables.

4. Experience with State or Non-Profit entities and the audiences they target.

C. The successful candidate will deliver the following items listed in this section with the goal of promoting TDHCA’s training materials developed under the HUD FHEO grant.

D. Work with a team that include but may not be limited to internal program and marketing and communications staff, and TDHCA leadership.

E. Provide social media strategy development, implementation and management, including but not limited to:

1. Message identification and development 

2. Accessible art development 

3. Track social media results/response 

4. Monitor and recommend strategies to maximize results

F. Provide fair housing and fair lending compliant graphic design and layout services for marketing materials for digital materials upon request.

1. Templates for certain marketing materials to be produced by TDHCA staff. One template and/or shell will be provided for banners

2. Additional items requiring graphic design and layout services may be requested as needed.

3. For all graphic design and layout items:

i. TDHCA staff will develop content and complete all layouts in-house, unless otherwise requested.

ii. All materials must be produced in both English, Spanish, and other languages in accordance with the Department’s Language Access Plan. TDHCA will provide all translated content.

G. Provide strategic education and outreach campaign support/consultative services for activities that may include but may not be limited to:

1. Planning, development, and execution of outreach campaigns; 

2. Message identification and development; 

3. Multi-channel outreach, placement and management, including web search engine optimization; and

4. Branded material development.

Proposals will be opened at the TDHCA Headquarters located at 221 East 11th Street Austin, TX 78701 on July 21.

Agencies worth considering for this assignment include Magrino PR and Hunter PR.

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