
The purpose of this acquisition is to procure the expertise and services of a contractor to connect Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) field offices with the communities they service and provide DEA leadership the ability to bring together disparate elements of local communities following DEA drug enforcement actions. 

This media and outreach campaign will leverage DEA’s institutional information and street knowledge to enable its field offices to successfully convey information of local drug threats to the public.  As an entity representing one of the key community sectors (law enforcement), DEA will support local drug free community coalitions to aid impact and have long-lasting success.   The outreach program will focus upon raising community awareness of local drug threats and changing attitudes to reduce drug demand, misuse and abuse through increased collaboration, prevention education and support for treatment recovery.


The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is continuing to work with the Department of Justice, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and other federal agencies to address the ongoing drug threats across the country within each of DEA’s 23 Field Divisions. These threat categories can cover: narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, marijuana/cannabis, steroids, inhalants, and synthetic drugs. Each DEA Field Division will identify the local drug threat through drug abuse trends and enforcement priorities. Through DEA’s National Community Outreach Engagement Strategy (NCOES) each field division will be given tools to help support and contribute to local drug abuse awareness and prevention efforts while bridging local public safety and public health efforts through community coalition building, youth engagement, school engagement, workplace engagement, and media outreach.

NCOES is an effort to expand on DEA’s already successful DEA 360 Strategy and provide prevention support to all or up to 23 DEA Field Divisions. Each field division will identify one city/geographic area (not necessarily the main field division location) within their area of responsibility, identify the drug threat within that area, and lay out a strategic plan to conduct targeted enforcement efforts and implement various community outreach deliverables to reinforce those enforcement efforts with a focus on sustainability. The organizational strategies and program-wide deliverables from DEA 360 will be used as the basis and structure for NCOES prevention support efforts.

This acquisition addresses one of the primary elements of a broader approach to the community outreach portion of NCOES: media engagement/campaign.

Community Outreach Goals: 

·         Have a positive impact in selected communities throughout the year (from time of program launch for one calendar year) that will serve as models for other communities that are facing similar drug issues. 

·         Increase in the number of public-private partnerships in each NCOES community to collaborate on efforts to reduce local drug abuse-related problems.

·         Increase in community members’ awareness of the scope of drug abuse-related problems in that community.

·         Increase in engagement by educators and parents in using science-based prevention materials to prevent drug misuse and abuse in that local community.

·          Community stakeholders’ development of formal strategic plan of action to decrease drug abuse-related overdoses in that local community.

These outreach goals are based on the success and lessons learned from DEA 360 Strategy communities and the positive impact DEA continues to have, even after the conclusion of official efforts. 

Scope of Work:

The scope of this requirement encompasses the following:

·         Provision of media services under DEA direction that can support each of 23 geographically diverse DEA field division campaigns by providing work related to planning, execution, and reporting of paid advertising initiative as well as other supplemental creative development. These shall include, but are not limited to:

1)       Negotiation and strategy development

2)       Media pre-buy

3)       Insertion orders and coordination

4)       Creative development

5)       Creative trafficking

6)       Media Outreach Campaign Monitoring and optimization

7)       All aspects of media planning

·         Development of a campaign brand, including custom mark, color palette, and elements to help visually execute each campaign simultaneously in up to 23 communities across the United States to include Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and the Caribbean per year in a cohesive manner. The branding will be utilized across all advertising assets, including television, radio, outdoor, print, social, streaming, and digital. Campaign branding, while consistent, must allow for customization for key messaging development specific to each community and drug threat selected by the field divisions.

4.0 Desired Outcome and Performance Objectives

The contractor’ proposal (to include a Performance Work Statement) shall provide DEA with specific services and solutions to fulfill the Performance Objectives listed below.  The contractor’s proposal shall include: (1) A thorough description of the contractor’s corporate experience with effectively reaching geographically diverse mass audiences; and (2) proposed quality controls and performance measures the contractor will employ in its approach to supporting this media outreach campaign field divisions.

NOTE: DEA will retain all rights to any and all digital ads, commercials, taglines, graphics, video, animated artwork, and any other materials associated with each advertising campaigns. 

4.1 Performance Objective 1: 

Campaign Toolkit Development

a.       Though each campaign, per field division, shall maintain flexibility and customization it is necessary that each campaign have consistent messaging and branding.

b.       The toolkit shall include the following:

                                                            i.      Branding for the program and associated brand style guide to keep the look and feel consistent;

                                                          ii.      Messaging that keeps every aspect speaking with one clear voice;

                                                        iii.      Graphics package/templates for conceptualization of new campaign that ensures visual consistency and ease of implementation with some local customizations; 

1.       Creative Assets for traditional and non-traditional media

a.       The vendor shall integrate all mediums of media through the media graphics package/templates. This will allow communities to reach different audiences based on the specific needs. The campaign toolkit will include, but is not limited to, creative assets for each of the following media services:

·         TV

·         Radio

·         Outdoor billboards

·         Print

·         Digital

·         Social

·         Streaming

                                                         iv.      Bi-lingual translations of template materials into Spanish allowing flexibility to target critical audiences.

                                                           v.      Campaign Execution Guide for use by DEA field offices and their partners that will utilize the toolkit of resources.

4.2 Performance Objective 2:

1)       Customization of Creative Assets

a.       The messaging and branding of the overall campaign shall also be consistent across all drug threat categories. Each drug category will have a suite of creative assets in order to maintain consistency in programing. The vendor shall provide customization of all creative assets for each of the following drug categories:

                                                            i.      Narcotics

                                                          ii.      Stimulants

                                                        iii.      Depressants

                                                         iv.      Hallucinogens

                                                           v.      Marijuana/cannabis

                                                         vi.      Steroids

                                                       vii.      Inhalants

                                                     viii.      Synthetic drugs

4.3 Performance Objective 3:   

1)       Traditional and Non-Traditional Media Buys

a.       The contractor shall secure paid media support for any division campaign, including the ability to integrate traditional and non-traditional media mediums. This will allow DEA field divisions to reach different audiences based on the specific community needs. These mediums may include, but are not limited to the following:

                                                            i.      TV

                                                          ii.      Radio

                                                        iii.      Outdoor billboards

                                                         iv.      Print

                                                           v.      Digital

                                                         vi.      Social

                                                       vii.      Streaming

b.       The vendor must have the expertise to work with DEA and each field division in order to advise on the most appropriate and beneficial media plan within the selected communities.

                                                            i.      The DEA requires that media plans be relevant to the intended audience – for example, a media plan in a large city may not look the same as a media plan in a more rural location. 

                                                          ii.      The contractor shall provide sufficient corporate resources to work on up to 23 campaigns in a given year in any location across the United States to include Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and the Caribbean.

c.        Traditional Media (where appropriate)

                                                            i.      The contractor  shall provide access to the following types of media outlets in each of the listed areas:

1.       Place ads on major television stations within the local community using a consistent schedule

2.       Ads on local radio stations using a consistent schedule during AM/Mid-day/PM/Evening and Weekend programing.

3.       Utilize digital and/or traditional billboards and other local media vendors. Utilize transit space, bus interiors/exteriors/shelters, and other outdoor opportunities.

d.       Non-Traditional Media (where appropriate)

                                                            i.      The contractor shall provide the following micro-targeted advertising based on DEA’s target audience and demographic goals for each market.

1.       Digital media that includes any combination of technological platforms/strategies such as: Pandora Radio, Geo-fencing/Conquesting, Remarketing, Behavioral and Content Targeting, Mobile Application Ad Networks, and Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Linkedin promoted campaigns. 

2.       The digital campaign will be specific to each market targeting specific demographics and online behavior trends.

4.4 Performance Objective 4:

1)       Localization of Creative Assets

a.       The contractor shall assist each individual field division to address the problems facing their communities directly, giving more focus to the individual community. The vendor will provide open flexibility for tasking based on the services needed and at the level appropriate for community benefit. The vendor will offer a customizable approach where each campaign execution is planned based on the unique characteristics of each community market/city. The vendor will also work with each field division to set individual timelines that best suits their overall NCOES programing.

b.       Additional Language Translations

                                                            i.      While graphics packages/templates will have already been translated into Spanish, should the need arise for additional language translations, the contractor shall provide the particular proficiencies as requested in a call order.

Due Date:

August 6, 2020 



PR firms worth considering include Hunter PR and MWWPR.

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