Three Steps to Understanding What People are REALLY Looking for Online

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When people first began using the Internet, it was one massive, all you can read buffet. People searched with wide open abandon. But, as technology progressed, and marketers got smarter, it became easier to collect search data, and change the results users were given. The more they searched, the more the trends were discovered, and search results tailored.

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When it comes to defining, and interpreting search data, you can either opt for the same lists that everyone else is getting, or you can choose a solution that is custom developed with your products, services, and ideal customers in mind. Let’s break that down and see how that information can help you make the most of your marketing efforts.

As Billionaire brand-builder Chris Burch recommends, break down information to see how to maximize spend and results.

Tips Even Burch May Like:

#1 – Crunching keyword data
If you do not already, you should have a tested, and tailored list of keywords that specifically draw people to your company, and content online. But, do you know how to use that data as it becomes more specific? At Zeta Global, the purpose of our custom marketing tools is to help you drill down to exactly the right words that are going to bring exactly the right people to your site. Not because they don’t know what they are looking for, but BECAUSE THEY DO … they just don’t know YOU have it!

#2 – In your industry
How can you drive traffic that can, at a glance, tell that you are exactly what they are looking for rather than yet another industry doppelganger? By extrapolating the right data, in the right way, from searches by users looking for content, and context related to what you offer, you can drive exactly the right traffic to your online presence.

#3 – On your website
Speaking of that online presence, how are you tracking how users are surfing your website? Are you just hoping they land on the right pages, or are you tracking their behavior, and using that data to extrapolate which pages are working and what your visitors are looking for?

Understanding how big data works at every level of a user search is an integral part of an effective marketing plan. How are you doing with that?


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