VA Department of Motor Vehicles Issues Sports Marketing RFP

The intent and purpose of this Unsealed Request for Proposal (URFP) is to establish a contract through competitive negotiations with a qualified eVA registered contractor to evaluate the Who’s Your Driver and What’s Your Game Plan grant funded sports marketing safety campaigns.


DMV is a governmental agency in the Executive Branch of Virginia state government. Under the Secretary of Transportation, DMV administers motor vehicle and transportation-related laws for the continued benefit of all the citizens of the Commonwealth. Specifically, DMV administers Motor Vehicle Titling and Licensing Laws, Driver’s Licensing Laws, Motor Carrier Laws, Transportation Safety Laws, and other motor vehicle-related laws and regulations as directed by the Code of Virginia, as amended. DMV also regulates manufacturer franchise motor vehicle dealers and independent motor vehicle dealers.

DMV employs approximately 2,000 full and part-time employees to meet its daily mission of providing transportation services to clients in Virginia. DMV serves a customer base of approximately 6.2 million licensed drivers and ID card holders with over 7.8 million registered vehicles. DMV provides a multitude of services to private citizens, transportation entities, courts, law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, and related transportation clients. The most commonly provided DMV services include provisions of driver testing and licensing, vehicle registration and titling, credentialing of commercial motor carriers, and oversight of related transportation safety and information management programs.

Traffic crashes are one of the leading causes of death and injury nationwide and in Virginia, and almost all traffic crashes are preventable. One way to prevent traffic deaths is to capture attention and change driver behavior through a targeted, media and public relations campaign, combined with high visibility enforcement. The mission of DMV’s HSO is to decrease crashes, injuries, and fatalities in the Commonwealth through data analysis, law enforcement efforts, and educational initiatives. DMV’s HSO administers federal transportation safety grant programs; collects, maintains, and analyzes traffic records and crash statistics; provides assistance to communities in identifying transportation safety issues and solutions; develops and implements effective, integrated programs and initiatives to address traffic safety concerns, and tracks and supports federal and state traffic safety initiatives.

D. The Who’s Your Driver and What’s Your Game Plan safety campaigns are projects that were piloted at Richmond International Raceway in 2016 to encourage alcohol safety objectives through existing events, website, newsletter, and social media. The safety campaigns’ focus is on identifying tracks that meet the target demographic as well as high-risk localities. It also focuses on Martinsville and Richmond NASCAR races, and local and affordable races such as dirt tracks, monster truck races, stock car, mud bogs, drag racing, and others that will draw the target demographic.

The following tracks of interest for the safety campaigns include but are not limited to South Boston Speedway, Virginia International Speedway (Halifax), Virginia Motorsports Park in Petersburg, Franklin Country Speedway, Langley Speedway in Hampton, Motor Mile Drag way in Radford, and Richmond Drag way.

The safety campaigns are custom designed for each track chosen, based upon budget and track marketing strategy. Each location will be a hybrid that will deliver the safety campaigns’ message in the most practical and effective manner. Once the assets of each track have been defined, the existing messaging and graphics will be updated to resonate with the target audience as well as their influencers. Temporary workers are hired to serve as brand ambassadors and will work at each outreach location to greet race fans, distribute collateral, and conduct surveys. Fans will be asked to sign a pledge to be a safe driver at the physical spaces and these badges will be used to measure the project’s reach.

The safety campaigns will occur in Martinsville and Richmond.

Scope of Work:

The contractor shall provide all labor, material, and related resources to provide the services outlined throughout this URFP.

                A. Contractor is not required to work on site; work can be performed at the contractor’s business. However, occasionally, face-to-face meetings between the Contractor and DMV will be    required to be held at DMV locations, including, but not limited to DMV Headquarters in           Richmond, Virginia.

                B. Contractor shall designate a central point of contact for DMV. A dedicated and knowledgeable backup resource should also be provided in case the designated central point of contact is unavailable.

                C. The contractor shall make DMV aware of all activities being coordinated for each campaign on              a weekly basis.

                D. With anticipated grant funding provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) & the U. S Department of Transportation, The HSO seeks to obtain contractual services from a qualified contractor to evaluate the effectiveness of the safety campaigns that are intended to reach the target audience and change their behavior. Upon contract award, DMV will provide detailed information about the safety campaigns to the Contractor.

Working with the DMV, the contractor shall provide the following services and deliverables:

                1. Target Markets

                                a. Determine the target audience of 18-35 white males for the Who’s Your Driver & What’s Your Game Plan sports marketing safety campaigns and the localities in Virginia where those target audiences located are accurate.

                                b. Complete a comprehensive review of the approaches used in the grant proposals.

                                c. Compare and contrast the proposed methods of approaches for grants and analyze and evaluate the results.

                2. Data Analysis

                                a. Collaborate with HSO staff to complete a multi-year (from June 1, 2016 to present) crash data report using the Virginia DMV’s Traffic Electronic Data System (TREDS) before  and after the Who’s Your Driver and What’s Your Game Plan safety campaigns for drunk driving, unrestrained crashes, and citations in the localities where the target audiences are located.

                3. Attitudinal Surveys

                                a. Develop and conduct an attitudinal survey in the target audience of 18-35 white males for the Who’s Your Driver and What’s Your Game Plan safety campaigns to gain insight on the driving public’s awareness, perceptions, and attitudes toward the campaigns.

                                b. At a minimum, the survey shall include the following:

·         Do the Who’s Your Driver and What’s Your Game Plan campaigns resonate with their audiences?

·         Are the brands recognizable?

·         Do the audiences know what each slogan means?

·         Do the slogans cause the audiences to take action?

                                c. The contractor shall conduct at least a 500-person survey with a margin of error to not exceed +/-5%.

                4. Final Evaluation/ Reporting

                                a. Complete a final evaluation of the Who’s Your Driver and What’s Your Game Plan sports marketing safety campaigns using the results of the contractor’s deliverables and best practices to determine if the safety campaigns are actually decreasing alcohol-related and unrestrained crashes, injuries and fatalities in Virginia, and if these safety campaigns are motivating motorists to find a sober ride home and always wear a seat                                           belt.

                                b. The final report shall also include findings and recommendations to include, but not limited to:

·         Are the current sports marketing safety campaigns working?

·         A cost-benefit analysis to determine the return on investment received.

·         If DMV HSO should continue funding these safety campaigns?

·         How DMV should evaluate future sports marketing safety campaigns?

·         Identify best practices for future safety campaign implementation

·         Estimated future safety campaign costs.

Due Date:

July 15th, 2019. 


Agencies with relevant experience includes Zeno Group and Edelman PR.

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