Valley Regional Enterprise Network Issues Marketing RFP 

The Acting CEO of the Valley Regional Enterprise Network (Valley REN), on behalf of the Annapolis Valley Regional Marketing Partnership, is requesting proposals to provide brand, creative development and intercept and attraction program development for the Annapols Valley Regional Marketing Partnership. The primary goal of the intercept program is to engage visiting tourists and business travelers to the Annapolis Valley, and convert their interest into serious consideration to live, work or do business here.


The Annapolis Valley Regional Marketing Partnership consists of the Annapolis Valley Chamber of Commerce, Valley Business Leaders’ Initiative and the Valley Regional Enterprise Network. The collaborative relationship between these three organizations was formed to prepare a new marketing program to promote the Annapolis Valley from a tourism, residential attraction and settlement, labour force attraction and business investment standpoint. As part of the Valley REN’s strategic plan, these three organizations have partnered together to develop one comprehensive cooperative regional marketing campaign in 2019 (and beyond), with the common goal of attraction, promoting sustainable growth and encouraging settlement in the region. This campaign requires a strong brand and consistent messaging for the Partnership.

The Annapolis Valley Chamber of Commerce (AVCC) is a strong united voice for business and works to ensure that business thrives in the Annapolis Valley. AVCC is a non-profit organization that provides member businesses with access to a variety of services such as group insurance, professional development and network opportunities. AVCC celebrates and promotes the accomplishments of business people and their contribution to the Valley.

The Valley Business Leaders’ Initiative (VBLI) is a non-profit established in 2016 by a group of long time local business owners and managers. They represent businesses such as agriculture, building supplies, marketing, health care, investments, industry, construction and real estate. Their mission is to help stimulate the economy by retaining and attracting people to live, work, and invest in the Annapolis Valley.

The Valley Regional Enterprise Network (Valley REN) works in collaboration with our municipal and First Nation partners and the Province of Nova Scotia to create better solutions to support increased business activity, population growth, workforce development and investment. Our regional partners include Glooscap First Nation, the Municipality of the County of Kings, the Municipalty of the District of West Hants, and the Towns of Annapolis Royal, Berwick, Kentville, Middleton and Windsor. Together with the Province of Nova Scotia, our partners provide oversight to the Valley REN Board of Directors, which is led by the regional business community.

Individually, the AVCC, VBLI and Valley REN have developed marketing and communications programs specific to their mandate and include:

·         AVCC: “Simply Extraordinary” – includes TV ads, website, print ads, trade shows and social media.

·         VBLI: “Live, work, grow in the Annapolis Valley” Campaign – TV ads, digital marketing, website, social media.

·         Valley REN: “Choose Annapolis Valley” – website, social media.

All three organizations have existing assets that may be able to be repurposed or modified for this initiative.

The overall goal is to create one compelling communications program that sparks a deeper interest to live, work, do business and invest in the Annapolis Valley, beginning a tangible journey to making the move. This will require:

·         A strong and impactful brand

·         A strategic engagement program

·         Memorable messaging that starts the path to conversion (including a residential and labour force attraction perspective)

·         Opportunities for stakeholders, communities and residents to participate.

Target audiences for this program include potential migrants from within the Province and from other provinces, potential immigrants from the US and international markets, labour force, business entrepreneurs and investors. The partnership wants to develop a welcoming environment that dispels the popular notion of “Come From Away” and supports “Here To Stay”.

Scope of Work:

The purpose of this RFP is to secure a range of senior level creative direction services from a single contracted individual or organization, spanning brand and creative development (through to development of creative assets and media buys) and intercept program development. The brand and messaging must be flexible to ensure it can be applied in marketing efforts targeted at attracting new residents, business investment and tourism. Creative assets must be able to be utilized by Valley REN, AVCC and VBLI, but also to be used by businesses in our region to attract labour force.

To achieve the cited objectives outline in this RFP within the aggressive timelines, the project shall contain, but not be limited to the following:

                Phase One: May 20 – June 10 Discovery & Ideation

·         Introductory/discovery meeting:

·         Sharing of relevant materials

·         Idenfity issues and opportunities

·         Discuss must-haves

·         Review timetable/deliverables

·         Hold any other meetings as required

·         Conduct competitive advantage workshops for each municipality

·         Develop intercept program

                Phase Two: June 10 – July 1 Creative Development

·         Develop and present initial branding options and strategic engagement plan

·         Feedback received from AVCC, VBLI and Valley REN

·         Revisions

·         Final selection

                Phase Three: July 1 – July 26 Toolkit & Launch    

·         Toolkit creation and education:

·         Toolkit will include: brand guidelines, promotional materials, messaging, etc.

·         Develop media buy plan and implementation (if the proponent provides this service)

·         Launch events held

Due Date:

May 18 


Jennifer Tufts, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Valley REN

35 Webster Street, Suite 102, Kentville, Nova Scotia, B4N 1H4

Relevant agencies include Finn Partners and Hunter PR.

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