Advanced Search Engine Optimization Strategies for Companies

Many companies decide to start working on their search engine optimization efforts on their own in the beginning, however, as they start evolving, to be able to rank higher on search engine results pages, they have to begin implementing some more advanced strategies. Some of the basics such as targeting keywords, learning about the target audience, and creating and distributing content are relatively easy for most businesses to do on their own, however, in some cases, companies might need help in properly implementing the more advanced strategies.

Content distribution and sharing

As companies start sharing more and more content on their websites, it’s important to get other people to start sharing that content on their own, instead of simply engaging with it. That means companies have three different opportunities to get others to share the content that they have created and published, including earned, owned, and paid distribution. Through earned content, companies are simply getting other people to share their content on other social media platforms, or by generating some media coverage through the content they’ve shared before. On the other hand, owned distribution is when the company boosts awareness of the content it’s created and published on its own, such as sharing its own blog posts on its social media accounts, or through the email newsletter. Finally, through paid distribution, companies send their content to be distributed through paid channels, such as pay-per-click advertising campaigns on search engines or social media platforms.


Another great way that companies can improve their search engine optimization efforts is by linking their content internally, which simply means linking various pages together, and it’s commonly called internal linking. When companies are able to put internal links on their pages or blog posts, it becomes easier for the search engine crawlers to go through the website better and create potential links for the search engine users. Another great linking strategy is for companies to start building inbound external links, which is one of the best ways for companies to increase their ranking on search engine results pages. That means getting other websites, forums, platforms, and directories with a solid domain authority to start linking to the company’s website.


Finally, companies can improve their search engine optimization efforts by creating URLs that are going to be SEO friendly. That means making sure that all URLs on the company’s business website are optimized and clean, as well as easy to read, user-friendly, and even include relevant keywords that match the content on the page itself. This way, companies can increase their odds of getting their website to rank higher on search engine results pages for relevant search queries and keywords that potential consumers are already using.

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