EPR Staff

Top 100
PR News

Top 100 Best Startups for PRs

2011 Top 100 Best Startups for PRs continues with the last five categories: Publishing and Document Creation; Media Monitoring and Analytics; File Sharing, Storage; Human Resources, Crowdsourcing; and Funding, VC, Money.

House of Fraser card
PR News

House of Fraser Turns UK Shopping On End

Brick and mortar meets the matrix of digital shopping today at Union Square in Aberdeen, UK. House of Fraser, a leading online retailer, has announced the opening of a so called “buy and collect concept store” this morning, a re-visitation by H of F into the Aberdeen market after a nine year abscence from the traditional store experience.

Ian Herbison Speyside CEO
Corporate PR

Exclusive: Speyside’s Ian Herbison on Latin America

Last week, Everything PR News talked with Ian Herbison, CEO and Co-Founder of Speyside Corporate Relations, a leading agency focused now on the emerging markets of Latin America. For readers, this talk is a unique opportunity to gain valuable insight into not only one of the world’s leading corporate engagers, but an emerging Latin America.

Tom Magbnuson
PR Insights

Global Hotel Exchange & Tom Magnuson: Game Changers

A few days ago we had the opportunity to speak with one of the most interesting and innovative thinkers we’ve engaged in some time. Tom Magnuson, CEO of the largest independent hotel brand in the world, Magnuson Hotels, is the subject in today’s profile.

Kathy Bloomgarden of Ruder Finn

Ruder Finn’s Kathy Bloomgarden: A PR Profile

Next up in our series of informal talks with industry leaders, Ruder Finn’s CEO Dr. Kathy Bloomgarden talked with Everything PR News about her agency, values, and the future of PR. We caught up with Kathy at RF offices in Switzerland late last week. Our discussion was aimed at giving readers some inkling of the quality of excellence ingrained in highly successful companies like Ruder Finn, and especially in leaders of such companies.

Social Media

More Proof In the Digital Marketing Pudding

A recent report from the Australian Centre for Retail Studies (ACRS) of the Monash University school of Business and Economics, clearly shows social media and

Scott Allison of Allison & Partners

Allison and Partners PR: Golden Age of PR with Scott Allison

Today Everything PR News had a key discussion with one America’s top public relations executives, Scott Allison, Founder, President, and CEO of Allison & Partners. This PR company has grown a lot the past few years. Since its founding in 2001, in San Francisco, Allison now has offices across the US from New York to Seattle, North to South and worldwide.