EPR Staff

Anna Chapman
PR News

Espionage Queen Anna Chapman Maxim Video

Russian spy Anna Chapman is all in the news again to day over her Maxim shoot in Russia. Video has not been posted on the Russian website for the magazine showing Anna doing the cover and inner photos. It seems it is only a matter of time before Playboy contacts the obviously wanted Russian espionage queen.

Loosecubes workspace innovator
PR Jobs

Workspace Was Never Easier Than With Loosecubes

Brand new beta startup Loosecubes brings economy and logic into being for workspaces. In the world of the future, workspace will be dictated by necessity and economy, but Loosecubes addresses these issues now. Share a workspace and save your money and headaches for more important things.

Horn Group PR's iPhone app
PR News

Horn Group PR iPhone App, Now That’s PR Done Right

Digital PR Agency Horn Group announces their nifty iPhone application. One of the world’s most forward thinking communications agencies puts the power of engagement in their client’s hands. While not ground breaking technology, Horn Group has demonstrated what should have already been in every major client’s hands. The best connective keys.

Jenn Sterger Playboy
PR News

Jenn Sterger: The Playboy Virus May Be Catching

Jenn Sterger is the latest viral Playboy trend to hit the Internet. But interestingly, or maybe sadly, Playboy just may not be around that much longer to churn out controversy. Hugh Hefner’s empire seems to be dwindling, and just at a time when the world can’t get enough sexuality. 1953 to now seems like an eternity, especially when icons falter.

Colorado Medicinal Pot everything-pr
PR News

Colorado Medicinal Pot and Public Relations Commonality

Everything PR News shines the spotlight on small agency chief Meredith Vaughan, Vladimir Jones dynamic superstar PR. In Colorado at least, industry and innovation take on a slightly milder tone. Whether this has anything to do with medicinal marijuana usage, that is anyone’s guess. The connection between altitude and attitude seems clear.

BlueGlass Interactive logo

BlueGlass Interactive Dances Into Marketing Limelight

With the acquisition of 3 Dog Media, BlueGlass Interactive is on a pace to become an online ad and marketing powerhouse. Even game changers like AdBright do not wield the kind of SEM expertise BlueGlass did before Greg Boser’s came on board. If this news does not shake up the industry, someone is asleep at the wheel.

Dana Delany

Dana Delany: Body of Proof Some Women Never Age

Former China Beach and Desperate Housewives star Dana Delany speaks candidly about Botox and eating disorders. Her interview with Prevention makes something of a stir, but fan relish in the fact she will reappear on Body of Proof. Dana is actually becoming the next timeless and ageless TV celebrity it appears. She cannot be 54!

Stuttgart 21
PR News

Stuttgart 21: Good Business for Some

With police ferocity increasing towards dissenters in Stuttgart, it is becoming clear German interests are determined to silence opposition at any cost. Just how important the Stuttgart 21 hub is to big business and politicians may clearly be indicated by recent actions. When kids are the target of water cannons, is arrogant dogma and PR out of line?

The movie Red everything-pr
Entertainment PR

Ernest Borgnine, Morgan Freeman, and All Stars of Red

The upcoming release of the spy spoof Red is cause for some anticipation. Academy Award winning actors Morgan Freeman and Ernest Borgnine are even willing to appear on Saturday Night Live to promote the film – it simply has to be good for that to happen. Right? Well maybe. The latest Bruce Willis flick, Red promises laughs, stars, and action if nothing else.

Brian Solis at a recent PRSA event in Philly
PR News

So You Want Influence, Go Ask Brian Solis

Brian Solis is one of the most respected experts on the social web. The founder of Futureworks PR recently conducted a joint study with Vocus in order to reveal the elements of influence on the web. Everything PR News takes a look at the study, Brian, and the value of being influential.