EPR Staff

Aruna Shields everything-pr
Entertainment PR

Aruna Shields and Bollywood Class Morality

Director Pravesh Bhardwaj is having his troubles making a film about middle class morality from the celebrity morality standpoint. Finding a Bollywood actress willing to do a nude scene, in a film about women doing nude poses is like finding a needle in the haystack. Actress Aruna Shields understands the importance of nudity to this significant film evidently. But, is it okay to cross this morality barrier? Only the audience can say.

PR News

When Pravda Knows More Than You Do

The American media shuns the idea that American foreign policy, including armed conflict, is motivated by economic forces. One Pravda reporter suggests the only way to erase US debt is to pump up the military machine again. Maybe it is time we looked outside US borders for fresh perspectives?

Mcdonalds Public Relations Recall
Corporate PR

McDonald’s Recall PR: Latest Corporation Recalling Products

McDonald’s recalls 12 million promotional Shrek glasses. The CPSC and McDonald’s announced a general recall of promotional glasses for the latest Shrek film. The glasses were apparently tainted with the heavy metal cadmium, ingestion of which can cause severe long term health effects.

Proctor and Gamble Public Relations
PR News

Corporate PR: Procter and Gamble’s Online Marriage – A Pitiful Engagement

Procter and Gamble is making a bet now on the stupidity of Moms and others in social networking. Can the weight of a few mercenary Moms propel this corporate juggernaut past the truth, past your will, past reality? Only the social sphere can react to companies attempting to unjustly influence the digital crowd.

Europe Debt Crisis
PR Insights

Euro Decline Can’t Overshadow Value, Focus Trier Germany

With the euro in upheaval several avenues of investment will certainly become more viable. A look at local developments in Trier, Germany reveals a lot about what some investment visionaries call “community entitlement,” or the need to build the system back from the ground up. This is not as complex as many imagine, especially not with the help of community.

Procter Gamble PR
Consumer PR

Procter & Gamble’s Gambling PR Strategy

Procter & Gamble’s massive market share initiative may end up being the worst marketing and PR gable ever made by that company. Half truths and old PR strategies threaten one of the world’s largest and most respected set of brands. The Pampers Dry Max debacle perhaps reveals the soft underbelly of major corporations today. Greed or weak product lines, it matters little when the people lose faith.

PR News

BP’s Aggressive PR Plan Revealed, Piss Everyone Off

BP’s new PR strategy must be to destroy the brand forever. CEO Tony Hayward refers to the Gulf oil spill as if he, nor the company care in the least. Worse still, the company just employed PR giant Brunswick to help save their behinds. Maybe big business has just lost touch with reality all together? If social media and traditional media go on the war path over this, BP is a cooked goose.

Lynn Tilton CEO
PR Insiders

Your Economy Is Not Recovering, But Trying To Gasp for Air

It’s tough to admit our economic situation is really our own fault. The average citizen of any country just plays along as long as they get the drippings from the table of the wealthy. But, what happens when the drippings stop? When billionaire investors like Lynn Tilton use terms like “beyond repair” to describe our course, what does this mean?

Lynn tilton
PR Insights

Focus Jesup Georgia and Lynn Tilton’s Rebuilding of America

Wall Street’s involvement in our economic woes is now begining to be seen fully. Big time investment in big business has put all of America’s eggs in the wrong basket. Focusing on small towns in America, like Jesup, Georgia for instance, can open a window into what Wall Street innovator Lynn Tilton professes; “Rebuilding America – One Company at a Time – One Job at a Time,” could alter America’s course – one town at a time too.

cheech chong
Entertainment PR

Cheech and Chong Alive and Well This April 20th

Google trends today are all about a cryptic term 420. The meaning of the term is obviously tied to marijuana use, but not many people know how it was originated. Other than some references to 70’s comedy act Cheech and Chong, 420 just insinuates pot smoking. The term does have other implications though.