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Roman Polanski
PR News

Roman Polanski Banned from Facebook Pokes

Accused rapist Roman Polanski has been banned from poking other users on Facebook. The famous Hollywood director was being held in a Swiss prison awaiting a decision as to whether or not he would be extradited back to the US to face the rape charges. Having limited access to Facebook seems like the least of his worries for many, but evidently the Swiss consider Facebook limitations a form of hard labor?

Journalists Like Press Releases everything-pr
PR Insights

Journalists As Entrepreneurs, Can They Make It

The transition from reporting, subbing and story-telling to a world of margins, turnover and selling may seem like a perilous journey into the unknown for many journalists.

Luquire George Andrews everything-pr
Agency of Record

LGA New Agency of Record For BB&T

BB&T Corporation has just hired Luquire George Andrews as their brand agency of record. The agency will be dealing with all advertising, including print and broadcasting.

Articulon Public Relations
PR Insights

Articulon Public Relations Hired by MainSail

Articulon has been chosen by MainSail of Beaufort to handle the housing development’s public relations. They will be working to promote the benefits of co-ownership when buying your second home.

A Collection of iPhones in Different Colours everything-pr

Can the iPhone Help Save eBay?

In business it is sometimes necessary to step back and refocus in order to progress. eBay is just such a company, one trying to catch up with mobile technology and the social Web as fast as it can. This company, and others, can take great advantage of mobile applications and especially the iPhone. Communicating with costumers vie mobile platforms might just save eBay.


A Thanksgiving Look

There’s no more appropriate time to look at relationship marketing than during the holiday season — a time when many Americans are once more reconnecting with friends and family. So, with Thanksgiving just around the corner and Christmas not too far way, let’s take another look at relationship marketing.

Crisis PR

Google’s Take on the Michelle Obama Image Search Case – A PR Disaster

A week ago an offensive image of American First Lady Michelle Obama dominated the Google Image Search results, an image Google removed back then, as the site posting it violated Google’s guidelines by serving malware to visitors. But today, the image in cause is back, Search Engine Land reports, showing that Google doesn’t have any control over the content ranked by its image search algorithms.

Detroit Public Relations: An American Ghost Town Trying to Bury it’s Past

Many have written about the decline of Detroit, one symbol of America’s industrial might, but news today reflects a much more grim future for the city, and Americans too. The city morgue is now being literally overrun with the bodies of the dead no one can afford to even bury. This last insult and injury to a once great city symbolizes an America in far worse shape than many understand. Detroit now resembles a post-apocalyptic spectacle where society and progress are distant rumors.

Facebook App everything-pr

Corporate Abuse of Facebook Photos Gets Employees in Trouble

Living a life that’s full, posting it to Facebook, and having it come back and bite you may seem like part of the game, but for some like Nathalie Blanchard, a sanctified Facebook might be a better choice. Getting busted by your employer because of your online photos seems somehow invasive. But then, posting one’s self all over the world does seem blatantly obtuse. What are the limits of liability and feasibility for handling personal data and content? Is it proper to stalk people across the web, or does being “social” come with its pitfalls?