California Air Quality Looking For PR Firm & Ad Agency

South Coast Air Quality Management District

South Coast Air Quality Management District

South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is looking to hire an ad agency & PR firm.

The SCAQMD was created by the California Legislature in 1977 to combine individual county air pollution agencies in Southern California into one regional agency, with jurisdiction over all of Orange County and major portions of Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside counties. SCAQMD is responsible for regulating air emissions primarily from stationary sources of air pollution, such as factories, oil refineries, chemical plants, gasoline stations and dry cleaners. SCAQMD regulates more than 28,000 such businesses operating in the Southland.

State law requires the SCAQMD to periodically develop an Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) that outlines how the South Coast region will achieve state and federal ambient air quality standards, or at a minimum demonstrate that all feasible measures are  being implemented to meet state air quality standards.

Goals for the campaign are to:

  1. Increase awareness of and support for SCAQMD’s Check Before You Burn program
  2. Promote awareness of and compliance with no-burn days
  3. Increase signups to SCAQMD’s AirAlerts

The overall audience includes all residents of the South Coast Air Basin, but specifically the more than 1 million households that actively burn wood in their fireplaces. Proposals are due by April 30 to: Sam Atwood, SCAQMD’s  Media Relations Manager, at

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