City of Newport News in Virginia Issues Marketing RFP

City of Newport News in Virginia has issued an Advertising and Marketing Services RFP to promote the City of Newport News as a prime location for business. The successful firm will work under the general direction of the EDA’s Marketing Committee and specific direction of the Department of Development (“Development”) staff, who serve as support staff for the EDA and the Marketing Committee.

The EDA acts as the business development arm of the City of Newport News. As such, the EDA’s primary focus is on maintaining a strong, diverse economic base in Newport News, by working with existing Newport News companies, facilitating their expansion, attracting new businesses to the City, and enhancing and promoting assets pertinent to business development. Given the importance of advertising, marketing, and promotion efforts towards this focus, the EDA anticipates expenditures of approximately $30,000 to $50,000 annually for the services outlined in this Request for Proposals, delivered on an “as needed” basis.

Scope of Work

While the Scope of Work for this project is flexible and open-ended, the successful firm will be required to provide the following services:

  • Continue to work with the “Where Great Things Are Happening” brand when working in the areas of creative development and production.
  • Proactively identify new ideas for advertising and marketing opportunities
  • Serve as primary advertising and marketing contact with media sources such as newspapers, magazines, trade journals and other media outlets, as directed by staff.
  • Copywriting for ads, articles, advertorials and other communications.
  • Design and development services for the EDA Annual Report.
  • Website design, proactive enhancement and maintenance.
  • Obtaining and/or selecting photographs to be used in promotional materials and activities.
  • Creation and development of formats for e-communications and interactive initiatives, including websites, in which content could be updated by Development staff as needed without the need for additional vendor services.
  • Assistance in identifying and obtaining promotional products to be used as giveaways and leave- behinds.
  • Active representation of the EDA.
  • Attendance at monthly Marketing Committee meetings as requested. (Note: The successful firm is not a Marketing Committee member).
  • Meet with Development staff as needed to discuss advertising and marketing efforts.

In addition, the successful firm may be asked to provide  additional services  not listed  above,  as  they relate to marketing and advertising. Areas such as public relations and community event sponsorship advertising will continued to be  handled  by  the  EDA  and  Development  staff,  although assistance may be sought from the partner for special events.

The EDA shall retain ownership of all creative content produced or created as  a  part  of  this  contract.

Due Date

August 21, 2017 to:


City of Newport News
Office of Purchasing
2400 Washington Ave
Newport News, VA 23607

French West Vaughan is a PR firm to consider for this assignment.


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