Global Integrity Seeks Brand Agency

Global Integrity Seeks Brand Agency

Global Integrity seeks an agency for Brand Strategy, Website Rebuild & Collateral Materials Creation. Global Integrity is soliciting the services of qualified firms to formulate a brand strategy, conduct a website rebuild, and produce branded collateral materials and templates.

They desire a brand befitting our role as a leading innovator in the transparent, open and accountable governance space. Beyond refreshing our brand to bring it into line with our cutting edge strategy focused on putting adaptive learning front and center of the open governance agenda, we are also looking to rebuild their website and collateral materials from the ground up, and to migrate existing data to the new website. The website and materials should represent our updated positioning across all of our areas of work.

Organizational Overview

Since 2005, Global Integrity has been a leading innovator in its field, supporting progress towards open and accountable governance in countries and communities around the world, based on our belief that open and accountable governance is fundamental to the fight against poverty and corruption, and to progress toward inclusive and sustainable development. We have a cutting-edge strategy focused on an adaptive learning approach, which aims to reshape policy and practice on governance and development, and need your support in getting this done. A more complete overview of Global Integrity can be viewed at the website. Global Integrity’s headquarters is located in Washington, DC at the OpenGov Hub, a co-working community of like-minded organizations that we co-founded in 2012.

Project Overview & Criteria

We want more people to know who we are and what we do, and to be recognized by an increasingly wide audience as a leading innovator in the Open Governance sector. We are seeking proposals to update our brand, website, and communication collateral materials to better reflect our new strategy and approach, increasing our visibility within the Open Governance, Transparency and Accountability space. The updated package needs to communicate our unique approach, as well as what our various programs do and achieve in a way that both sector insiders and outsiders can appreciate Global Integrity’s centrality to the progress of the open governance agenda.

Goals & Deliverables

We’re seeking an experienced firm to lead us on a journey to professionalize our primary communication vehicles. We see a proposal including three primary elements:

  1. Branding Strategy. In a collaborative process, this may include defining and prioritizing target audiences, positioning among peer and competitor organizations, and recommending communication vehicles, approaches, and materials.
    • Deliverables may include: Introductory and exploratory sessions with key staff, sharing insights and expertise between the firm and Global Integrity, a findings and recommendations document and presentations to staff, and a brand strategy and guidelines package prepared and presented to staff (including such elements as brand tone, specific language guidelines, key messages and approach, and visual language elements, as well as perhaps a refreshed logo).
  2. Website Design, Development, and Launch. Based on the branding strategy and guidelines uncovered in the branding strategy session as well as in continued collaboration with select Global Integrity staff – design, develop, and launch a new Global Integrity website.
    • Deliverables may include: Website strategy document including a sitemap and content strategy prepared and presented to staff, wireframe design and review, technical and user testing, historic data and post migration, launch, performance optimization for a variety of browsers and speeds, search optimization, google analytics installation, and both support documentation and training for Global Integrity staff. We expect the branding strategy, as well as website design, to include collaboration with key Global Integrity staff on content creation. Planning and assisting in a new site launch campaign should also be included.
    • Note we expect to maintain a focus on data visualization and exploration (i.e. the site should support data exploration and download, some of which is now hosted on
      sub-sites), as well as regular content creation through a blog feature. Similarly, we expect the firm to migrate historical blog and related data to the new site.
  3. Collateral Materials Design. Based on the branding strategy and guidelines uncovered in the branding strategy session and website design sessions, as well as in continued collaboration with
    select Global Integrity staff, design and train staff in deploying branded collateral materials.

    • Deliverables may include: Refresh of social media assets, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, a style guide for all Global Integrity publications (including logo versions, color scheme, fonts, photography treatment, and relevant lockups), templates based on that style guide in Word and Powerpoint for future Global Integrity publications (Google docs and slides if possible), and templates for business cards, letterhead, signage, and email footers.

Proposal due by Monday, May 8, 2017 to:
Global Integrity
1110 Vermont Ave NW
Washington, DC 20005

Leading PR firms include Burson-Marsteller and Ketchum PR.

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